Monday, December 02, 2013

Caffeinated Conservatives to discuss the State House Education Committee issues.

From Stephen Clements, organizer of Caffeinated Conservatives:

My fellow Caffeinators,
Did you know that of the 15 members of the TN State House Education Committee, only ONE member is from Davidson County? The Memphis area has SEVEN members on the committee. Knox County has three. Nashville, the state capital, has ONE seat on arguably the most important committee in the State House.
On Saturday December 21st from 12 - 2 PM at Bagelface Bakery in East Nashville (700 Main Street), Representative Harold Love, Jr., that lone member from Davidson County, will be joining us! Whatever education or state government issue is hot on your mind, this is your time to get answers. With the legislative session starting in January, let your voice be heard before the voting starts.
So bring a friend and come join us for good coffee, great conversation, and good company! All opinions welcome!

Stephen Clements
Caffeinated Conservatives

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