Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Council Approves Sulphur Dell Ball Park in Sepcial Meeting

This is a short meeting at under thirty minutes. It is a special meeting with only three bills, all related to the Sulphur Dell Ball Park. The outcome was never it doubt and it is approved. Councilman Stanley and Councilman Stites speak in opposition and  Council member Weiner, Gilmore, and others speaks in favor before "the previous question" is called to cut off debate on the first of the three bills (593) under consideration. The motion to cut off debate fails by a vote of 22 to 14. However, no one else wanted to speak and the final vote was taken and that vote was 29-7 in favor. Those voting in opposition were Tygard, Gover, Stites, Stanley, Tenpenny, Dominy and Mitchell.

On 594 the vote is 31-5 and on 595 the vote is 34-2.

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