Monday, December 02, 2013

First Tuesday, December 3rd

From Tim Skow:

If you have not already made plans to join us for lunch tomorrow... it is not too late...

AND.... tomorrow brings a special announcement you are going to want to hear 1st hand and participate in !!!   This one matters !!

Details for the lunch event follow this ALERT .... Please post and pass along to those you know.
Secure yourself a seat by visiting the 1ST TUESDAY website at  and then click on the Shopping Cart !

Hope to see you tomorrow !


1ST TUESDAY members and friends
While there is some joy in looking at the past 12 months... it is clear the next 12 will be even more fascinating as they unfold. For the next 6 months, all eyes will focus on the TN Legislature.  
Want to hear about the next series of HOT TOPICS ?
Want to know what to watch for ?
Want to get some insights in the behind-the-scenes maneuvering ?
Want to get a heads up on whose budget may get expanded ?  OR CUT ?
Want to know the legislation that could impact TN politics at the ballot box in 2014?
If so... then you will want to be at 1ST TUESDAY... on Tuesday, DEC 3rd ! [yes, I know some of you are wondering... and it is on the 1st Tuesday this month.... LOL !  ]
 Multiple members from both the TN State Senate and TN State House are attending to share their views and insights. [Previous] House Majority Whip Barrett Rich will let us know what to expect from the State House. And the Lt. Governor's "go to guy",  our own Jack Johnson will provide us the "from-behind-the-scenes" insights from the State Senate side.
Expect other members from both Chambers to join us as well. Therefore, if you have a question about most any topic or possible piece of legislation.. expect someone there who will have 1st-hand knowledge and insights !
As usual, WALLER LAW will be our host [ 511 Union Street -27th floor]. Doors will open at 11AM for Coffee and Social time.  Its still $20 for 2013 members.. and $25 for guests... and lunch from Alexander's Catering will be ready at 11:30. Program starts promptly at Noon with Q&A ending at 1:00PM sharp. [several Legislators are flying out to Washington DC that afternoon, so expect some to be able to stay well after 1pm in case you have more questions]
I apologize this invite coming out a little late.... but will have some news on Tuesday providing some further insights about why.... and some additional news about 2014 !
This will be a great meeting to bring a guest ..[or 2]....and remember... to bring something for the Nashville Republican Women's toy drive for children of our TN National Guard members...  Just a reminder.. a $50 contribution will get your 2014 dues waived !
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving .. and I hope to see a room full of you on Tuesday with a toy.. and a check !!
Tim Skow
Host of 1ST TUESDAY 

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