Tuesday, December 03, 2013

Jim Gotto seeks to regain District 60 seat

Jim Gotto
Today at First Tuesday Jim Gotto announced he was running to recapture the Tennessee State House District 60 seat he previously held. Jim Gotto is a former member of the Metro Council and won the Old Hickory-Hermitage-Donelson area state legislative seat in 2010 after State Representative Ben West decided not to seek reelection. Ben West was one of the last conservative Democrats and supported Republican Gotto in that race. In the last election, Gotto lost his bid for reelection to Democrat Darren Jernigan, who defeated Gotto by only 95 votes, with over 24,000 votes cast.

Since being out of office, Gotto has stayed active in politics. He chaired last year's Davidson County Republican caucus and convention and he briefly served on the Davidson County Election Commission. He resigned that seat in protest of the firing of, and the despicable manner in which Commission Chairman Ron Buchanan treated, Administrator of Elections Albert Tieche.  

Gotto also is very active in his community. He is an elder at his church, he volunteers with Meals On Wheels and CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates for Children). He is active with the Donelson-Hermitage Chamber, Donelson-Hermitage Exchange Club; and serves as Chairman of the Board for the Pregnancy Center of Tennessee.

In making his announcement, Gotto said:
I am running because I believe the citizens of Donelson, Hermitage and Old Hickory need conservative leadership that will remain focused on creating an environment for economic growth and further maintain fiscal sanity in state government. I am eager to once again partner with Speaker Harwell and Governor Haslam on the progress that has already been made.
It was an honor to serve previously in the state legislature and metro council, but I know we still have a lot to accomplish. I appreciate the outpouring of support and encouragement to return to public service. I’m ready to get back to work; and to talk about how we can get our community working again as well.
Republicans have a real chance to retake this seat and Gotto is a good candidate. He is solidly conservative and a man of integrity and principles.  He is the type of man I would trust with my wife or my daughter or my wallet. Republicans need to rally around Jim Gotto and retake this seat!

There will be a fund raiser for Jim Gotto on Tuesday December 17th, 2013. Details are below:
Sponsors: Speaker of the House of Representatives Beth Harwell, Senator Steve Dickerson, Senator Ferrel Haile, Representative Gerald McCormick, and Representative Glen Casada.
When: Tuesday December 17th, 4PM to 6PM
Where: The Cumberland, 555 Church St., Nashville
Minimum Contribution: $500
If  $500 is a little steep, please send a contribution of any amount to "Friends of Jim Gotto,' (updated address pending. Jim will also need door knockers and poll workers and people to put up signs and make phone calls and stuff envelopes and help in numerous ways. Get involved and help Jim Gotto retake this seat!

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