Wednesday, December 04, 2013

Shelby County Schools missing $48.4 million in equipment; more than 54,000 items gone, including cars

This is unreal! How do you lose $48 million in equipment? Cars missing? 23% of all equipment of the Memphis City Schools is missing! 54,270 pieces! That is a massive failure. I would think it had to be organized theft and terrible mismanagement. 

I wonder if Nashville has a similar problem. I would suspect it is not nearly as bad here as in Memphis, but I don't know that. Nashville has always been a much better managed city than Memphis, Still, I wish an investigative reporter or citizen activist with time to do so would investigate and see if Davidson County Schools have a problem with missing equipment. I wonder how charter schools and private schools compare to regular public schools in missing equipment.

Shelby County Schools missing $48.4 million in equipment; more than 54,000 items gone, including cars
MEMPHIS — A “staggering” $48.4 million in school equipment is missing from Shelby County Schools, according to an outside audit ordered by the school board.
Maryland-based ProBar was unable to account for more than 54,270 pieces of equipment — laptops, hard drives, tools, even driver training cars. The equipment had been accounted for on June 30 by the district’s internal auditing department, according to school board member David Pickler.

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