Saturday, February 23, 2013

The Davidson County Republican Party Caucus and Convention

The Davidson County Republican Party
Caucus and Convention

Saturday, March 2, 2013
Ed Jones Auditorium
Ellington Agricultural Center
440 Hogan Road

 Registration:  8:15 AM, Meeting: Promptly 9:00 AM
Please bring your voter’s registration card to speed up the process.
At the Caucus, you will have an opportunity to be elected as a delegate
from your Metro Council District.
You must be a delegate to vote on March 23rd

To find your council district

Saturday, March 23, 2013
Ed Jones Auditorium
Ellington Agricultural Center
440 Hogan Road

Registration: 8:15 AM, Meeting Promptly 9:00 AM
You must be a delegate to attend this Convention
At the Convention you will vote for the Executive Officers.

If you cannot attend the Caucus March 2nd but are available to attend the convention March 23, you may scan or fax a copy of your voter’s registration card to be elected as a delegate

Send questions and scan to:
Fax: to 615-883-3444


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Marsha Blackburn named 3rd most conservative

The National Journal has released its ratings of “most conservative” and “most liberal” members of the House of Representatives and Marsha Blackburn is rated as the third most conservative member of the House. To see the full report follow this link then on the right see click "raw data."

Diane Black is in a three-way tie ranked at 26.  Jim Cooper is ranked 258, making him the 20th most conservative Democrat congressman.

Other Tennessee Representative hold these ranks:
         Steve Cohen       370
         Scott DesJarlais 59
         Stephen Fincher 63
         Chuck Fleisman 86
         Phil Roe             115
         John Duncan      219

In the Senate, Bob Corker is ranked the 35th most conservative senator and Alexander is ranked 39th. By way of comparison, The National Journal ranks Lindsey Gram as more conservative with a ranking of 33 and John McCain more conservative with a ranking of 28.

One interesting observation from looking at the data is that the most liberal Republican is more conservative than the most conservative Democrat in both the House and the Senate. That was not always the case.

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Germany and Spain Move to Curb Green-Energy Supports

Advocates of green energy often site Germany and Spain as examples of what America should be doing.  Many environmentalist oppose clean nuclear energy and clean natural gas, because they are convinced that we can get all the energy we need from solar panels and wind mills despite the fact that the sun doesn't always shine and the wind doesn't always blow. The fact is that energy from wind and solar is just not dependable and is very, very expensive.  In Germany, rising energy prices are causing companies to flee and move to countries with more affordable energy. Spain and Germany are reversing course on green energy.
By William Boston and James Angelos in Berlin and Ilan Brat in Madrid

More than a decade ago, Germany and Spain created similar laws to aggressively promote the adoption of renewable energy. The two countries were again marching in step on Thursday—this time to fix a web of subsidies and compensations they created for green energy that had the unintended effect of driving up household electricity bills.

With Spain in the grips of recession, the government wants to lower consumers' light bills. In Germany, Chancellor Angela Merkel faces an election in September and hopes to win points with voters by putting a stop to rising electricity bills. The independent steps have been welcomed by German consumer groups, but have been slammed by businesses as German and Spanish politicians move to finance cuts for consumers by passing on the costs to companies. Get full story here from the Wall Street Journal.

Consumers Bear Brunt of German Switch to Renewable Energies ...

Rising Energy Prices: Germans Grow Wary of Switch to Renewables. Germany's switch to renewable energies is driving up electricity bills ...

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second bidder has made an offer to run the fair this year

There was an  interesting story in this morning's Tennessean. As was rumored was going to occur, a second bidder has made an offer to run the fair this year.  With a different operator, the fair could not be called the "state fair" but since our state fair is just a mediocre fair anyway, does it really matter if it is called the "state fair?"  The new bidder was going to give the Fair Board a much better deal than the Tennessee State Fair Association.  The deal the Tennessee State Fair Association finally agreed to would probably not be as good as it is, if not for an alternative fair operator waiting in the wings. Below is the link to the Tennessean article.

... financial offer to operate what it calls a "Middle Tennessee State Fair" at Nashville's fairgrounds, but the proposal might have arrived too late to beat out the state's ...

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The Council hears from the Consultants on the Fairground options, Part 1

Below is a video of a joint meeting of the Metro Council's Budget & Finance and Codes, Fair & Farmers' Market Committees on February 22, 2013.  This is the presentation to the Council of the consultants phase 1 study of the fairgrounds. The phase 1 study is the study of the site if it is kept as a fairground and exhibition space.  Next Tuesday, the committees will get the presentation of the Phase 2 study, which looks at what the fairgrounds site could be if redeveloped as a mixed use development.

This presentation looks at market demand and what the community could support and how that relates to the existing fairground site and looks at the option of developing a fairgrounds site at a new location. One thing the study makes clear is that our fairgrounds needs an equestrian feature. We are missing the opportunity to host rodeos and horse shows.  If the site is maintained as a fairgrounds, the study looks at options for redesigning the site. Options of keeping a race track and an option of redesigning the site without a race track are presented.

I feel that this study undervalues the race track.  The race track should be considered an underused asset. I myself am not a big racing fan, however the Nashville Speedway is a historical treasure. If a developer with a long-term lease would build a race track museum and show off the memorabilia and maybe the race cars of some the famous race car drivers who got their start at the Nashville raceway, I believe the raceway could be a tourist attraction.  If one is not  familiar with the history of the racetrack, you should look into it.  If we tear it down, it will be gone forever. 

Left out of this discussion is that there is an option of giving a private entity  a long term lease to operate the site and continue current uses. There is a entity that wants to do that.  With a long-term lease they would be willing to make improvements to the site.  By leasing the site to a private concern to continue operating it as a fairgrounds and exhibition space, the city could actually make money rather than the fairgrounds costing the city money. 

I fear that if the council only hears the two options presented by the consultant, the option of redeveloping the fairground site as mixed use will be more appealing than the option of keeping the fairgrounds at the current location. I fear the deck is being stacked to redevelop the fairgrounds as  mixed use. To consider all of the options, the Council needs to hear from the group that would like a long-term lease.  

This meeting is an hour and thirty-nine minutes long, with the presentation consuming the first hour and nine minutes.  Only three councilmen ask questions. Robert Duvall ask some good questions, but I am surprised that there is not more participation from other members of the Council.


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Council meeting of 2/19/13 with commentary and notations

This council meeting is only 42 minutes long. It is boring and there is no controversy and no need to watch it.  A couple presentations take up the first thirteen minutes of the meeting. There are no bills on public hearing.

There are ten resolutions, all of which are on the consent agenda. None are controversial and none are pulled off of the consent agenda.

There are nine bills on first reading and they all pass. First reading is a formality that allows the bill to be considered. Bills are not assigned to committee or analyzed by council staff until after they have passed first reading.

There are thirteen bills on Second Reading. It is on Second reading, after bills have been to committee, that discussion usually takes place. All of the bills pass without discussion or recorded votes.

ORDINANCE NO. BL2013-359 was an important bill that modifies an agreement the city has with the Renaissance Hotel. Since Metro has built the new Music City Center it is necessary to modify the terms of an arrangement the city has with the Renaissance. To read how the Tennessean explains this bill see follow this link.

There are eight bills on Third Reading and they all pass except for BILL NO. BL2013-353 which is a bill that was disapproved by the Planning Commission. The sponsor, Councilman Tenpenny moves to defer the bill indefinitely. This was for the rezoning of a piece of property on Tanksley Ave. to benefit Tire Recappers. There was considerable community opposition to the bill. An indefinite deferral is not the same as withdrawing a bill. A deferred bill may be put back on the agenda at a future meeting.

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Friday, February 22, 2013

Robert Duvall works to overturn Metro's limo price-fixing bill

Robert Duvall
The Tennessean reports today that Councilman Robert Duvall is working as a lobbyist for Metro Livery Service seeking to get legislation passed that would invalidate Metro's limo price-fixing practice. (link) Rather than explaining what Duvall is trying to accomplish,  the article focuses on whether or not it is appropriate for a member of Metro Council to lobby the State legislature.

If what Robert Duvall is doing is a conflict of interest then there have been many other instances of such conflict.  Other council members have served as lobbyist. When I served in the Council, I served with a council member whose full-time employment was actually serving as the  executive director of a trade group and his primary job was to lobby the legislature on behalf of the organization he served. We have had several council members who served as both a member of the State legislature and the Metro Council at the same time. While both positions are serving the public, the interest of the State and Metro may often be at odds.

The Tennessean piece includes explanations that what Duvall is doing is certainly legal and as long as he abstains from voting, should this same issue come before the Council, there is no legal conflict. The article does however question the appropriateness of his serving as a lobbyist. The article does not question the appropriateness of Metro government telling a company what minimum fee they may charge or the appropriateness of the well-connected getting laws passed to protect themselves from competition.

Metro Nashville is one of only seven cities in the United State that sets a minimum fare for a limo or taxi ride. Many have a maximum allowable fares however.  I can understand that a maximum fare is a protection for the consumer, but why have a minimum fare?  The logical reason is that it is to protect providers of transportation services from competition. A minimum fare keeps companies from seeking innovate ways to lower prices or offer alternative products. A minimum fare harms the consumer.

Metro did not have a minimum fee until ...(To be continued. To learn more about this issue follow this link.)

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Guns-in-trunks, all bark, no bite.

His biggest complaint is that the latest version of guns-in-trunks does not include a provision letting workers bring wrongful termination lawsuits if they are fired for bringing a gun to work. Another complaint is that it limits the right to bring a gun to work only to people with carry permits — potentially leaving out many hunters and other gun owners. (link)
Basically, it does almost nothing. I am not complaining. I was not in favor of the original proposal thinking it went way too far in restricting the right of property owners to control their property primarily, but also concerned that it went too far in bestowing rights on employees and expanding the roll of  government as a party in employer-employee relations. I have no concern with the bill as it exists now. Hopefully this will pass quickly and we can put guns on the back burner for a while.

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Thursday, February 21, 2013

Is this what guns-in-trunks means? If so, it is much to do about nothing.

I have carefully followed the Safe Commute Act, generally refereed to as the "guns in trunks bill," and I thought I understood it to force an employer to allow an employee with a hand gun carry permit to leave a gun locked in his car at his place of employment. I have editorialized on the bill based on that assumption. (See Thoughts about guns-in-trunks and property rights)

I was surprised to read the following in today's Tennessean

...a staff attorney told committee members that, just as employers can bar drinking-age workers from consuming alcohol on the job, they will be able to fire workers who flout no-gun policies.
The bill, however, would change state law so that those workers could no longer be arrested. (link)
If that is all it does, then it is really no big deal. This bill is a very minor change. If this is all it does it does not infringe on the property rights of employers at all. It this is all it does it is pretty much meaningless. The controversy over this bill is much to do about nothing.

Read it. It looks like the way the Tennessean reported it is correct. The bill says the gun permit holder may store his gun in his vehicle at his place of employment. It does not say the employer can not prohibit the employee from doing so.  

Below is the text of the bill: 
SENATE BILL 142 By Ramsey
HOUSE BILL 118 By Faison
AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 39, Chapter 17, Part 13, relative to handgun carry permits.
WHEREAS, in 1996, Tennesseans were first given the opportunity to apply for and, if
meeting the qualifications, be issued a permit to carry a handgun in public; and
WHEREAS, to apply for a permit a person must be at least twenty-one (21) years of age,
a resident of Tennessee and a U.S. citizen or permanent lawful resident; and
WHEREAS, the applicant must, under oath in the application, affirm that he or she has
not been convicted of a criminal offense or otherwise occupy a status that would make
possession of a firearm prohibited by federal law; and
WHEREAS, in addition to the application, the applicant must provide two (2) full sets of
the applicant’s fingerprints for the purpose of permitting both the Tennessee bureau of
investigation and federal bureau of investigation to conduct a criminal history record check on the applicant; and
WHEREAS, the applicant is also required to submit proof of the successful completion of a department approved handgun safety course, which is required to include both classroom hours and firing range hours, to ensure the applicant knows how to safely handle a firearm and basic Tennessee law with respect to where firearms can and cannot be carried; and
WHEREAS, upon completion of the application, the applicant is required to present
photo identification and a nonrefundable one hundred fifteen dollar ($115) application fee to the department; and
WHEREAS, an applicant meeting all the requirements stated above is entitled to be
issued a Tennessee handgun permit within ninety (90) days of the department receiving the application; and
WHEREAS, even though obtaining a handgun carry permit is neither quick nor easy in
Tennessee, over 40,600 law-abiding citizens successfully completed the requirements and received a permit during 1997, the first full year of operation; and
WHEREAS, the number of handgun carry permits issued to concerned citizens who
want to responsibly and legally protect themselves and their family, both at home and on their way to and from work, has risen each of the fifteen years the permit has been available in this state to the more than 371,800 Tennesseans who hold handgun carry permits in 2012; now, therefore,
SECTION 1. Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 39, Chapter 17, Part 13, is amended by
adding the following as a new section thereto:
(a) Notwithstanding §§ 39-17-1309, 39-17-1311, or § 39-17-1359, unless
expressly prohibited by federal law, the holder of a valid handgun carry permit
recognized in Tennessee may transport and store a firearm or firearm
ammunition in the permit holder’s privately-owned motor vehicle, as defined in §
55-1-103, while on or utilizing any public or private parking area if:
(1) The permit holder’s vehicle is parked in a location where it is
permitted to be; and
(2) The firearm or ammunition being transported or stored in the
(A) Is kept from ordinary observation if the permit holder is
in the motor vehicle; or
(B) Is kept from ordinary observation and locked within the
trunk, glove box, or interior of the person’s privately owned motor
vehicle or a container securely affixed to such vehicle if the permit
holder is not in the vehicle.
(b) No business entity, public or private employer, or the owner,
manager, or legal possessor of the property shall be held liable in any civil action
for damages, injuries or death resulting from or arising out of another’s actions
involving a firearm or ammunition transported or stored in accordance with
subsection (a) unless the business entity, public or private employer, or the
owner, manager, or legal possessor of the property commits an offense involving
the use of the stored firearm or ammunition or intentionally solicits or procures
the conduct resulting in the damage, injury or death. Nor shall a business entity,
public or private employer, or the owner, manager, or legal possessor of the
property be responsible for the theft of a firearm or ammunition stored in
accordance with subsection (a).
(c) For purposes of this section:
(1) “Parking area” means any property provided by a business
entity, public or private employer, or the owner, manager, or legal
possessor of the property for the purpose of permitting its invitees,
customers, clients or employees to park privately-owned motor vehicles;
(2) “Parking area” does not include the grounds or property of a
owner-occupied, single-family detached residence, or a tenant-occupied
single-family detached residence.
SECTION 2. Tennessee Code Annotated, Section 39-17-1359 is amended by deleting
from the first sentence of subsection (a) the language, “An individual, corporation” and
substituting instead the language “Except as provided in § 39-17-1313, an individual,
SECTION 3. This act shall take effect July 1, 2013, the public welfare requiring it

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Bill Haslam: The GOP star you've never heard of

A Great profile from Politico:
 But while attracting scant national attention and eschewing the camera-friendly approach of most up-and-coming Republican governors, Bill Haslam has amassed one of the most extensive conservative governing records in the country.
 He is, in short, the most important Republican governor you’ve never heard of. And as the National Governors Association gathers in Washington this week for its winter meeting, the national GOP may have something to learn from Tennessee.

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Men and Marriage, by George Gilder

Wednesday, February 27, 2013 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Gene & Vicki Wisdom's home

From Amazon: Men and Marriage is a critical commentary that asks the burning question, How can society survive the pervasive disintegration of the family? A profound crisis faces modern social order as traditional family relationships become almost unrecognizable. George Gilder's Men and Marriage is a revised and expanded edition of his 1973 landmark work, Sexual Suicide . He examines the deterioration of the family, the well-defined sex roles it offered, and how this change has shifted the focus of our society. Poverty, for instance, stems from the destruction of the family when unmarried parents are abandoned by their lovers or older women are divorced because society approves of their husbands' younger girlfriends. Gilder claims that men will only fulfill their paternal obligations when women lead them to do so, and that this civilizing influence, balanced with proper economic support, is the most important part of maintaining a productive, healthy, loving society. He offers a concrete plan for rebuilding the family in America. His solutions challenge readers to return to these roles and reestablish the family values that were once so crucial in staving off the ills that plague our country. Gilder insists that it is time to reexamine what "liberation" has wrought and at what cost. Only a return to traditional family values, he contends, can stem the tide of disaster. George Gilder is the author of Wealth and Poverty , the best-selling critique of Reaganomics.

Join the discussion. Please RSVP at this link

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Republican state Sen. Jim Tracy sets first major fundraiser for March 14

Republican state Sen. Jim Tracy sets first major fundraiser for March 14
Chattanooga Times Free Press
NASHVILLE — Republican state Sen. Jim Tracy's first major fundraiser for his 4th Congressional District bid is set for March 14 in Murfreesboro. Former Gov. Winfield Dunn, Lt. Gov. Ron Ramsey, Senate Speaker Pro Tempore Bo Watson, R-Hixson, and Rep.

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The NashvilleNext kickoff

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Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Liberty on the Rocks - Drones, Drinks, and Discussion

Thursday, February 21st, to Mafiaoza's starting at 5:30pm to discuss these issues and more at Liberty on the Rocks.  We may not be able to guarantee that you're not on a secret kill list, but if you are, the 2 for 1 beers until 7pm are guaranteed to make you feel better about it.(link)

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Companies compete to run State fair

NASHVILLE, Tenn. - There could be a new fight over the state fairgrounds in Nashville.  A company based out of Cordova in West Tennessee is offering half a million dollars to run the state fair this September. (link)

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Monday, February 18, 2013

What's on the Council Agenda Tuesday Feb. 19.

You can get your own copy of the Metro council meeting agenda at  Metro Council Agenda and you can get your copy of the staff analysis at Metro Council Agenda Analysis. Council meetings can be really, really boring if you don't know what the Council is voting on. With an agenda and analysis, they are just really boring.

There are no bills on public hearing.

There are nine resolutions all of which are on the consent agenda and there is one memorializing resolution which will likely become part of the consent agenda. A resolution is on the consent agenda if it passed the committees to which it was assigned unanimously. Since the committees have not met yet, some resolutions which are listed as on the consent agenda may not be on the consent agenda when the council meets. Bills on the consent agenda are usually not controversial and tend to be routine matters, such as accepting grants from the Federal or State Government or authorizing the Department of Law to settle claims against the city or appropriating money from the 4% fund. However, some atrocious memorializing resolutions that were on the consent agenda have been approved from time to time. Resolutions on the consent agenda are passed by a single vote of the Council rather than being considered individually. Any member of the body may have a bill pulled off of the consent agenda. None on this agenda appear controversial.

RESOLUTION NO. RS2013-584 sets the date for the Mayor's State of Metro address. This resolution sets it for May 20, 2013, at 10:00 a.m. at the Music City Center. I think I will attend. This will be a chance to see the new facility. 
Bills on First reading almost always pass. There are nine bills on first reading. They are considered as a group and are seldom discussed. First reading is a formality that allows the bill to be considered. Bills are not assigned to committee or analyzed by council staff until after they have passed first reading.

Bills on Second Reading: It is on Second reading, after bills have been to committee, that discussion usually takes place. There are thirteen bills on second reading and the ones below are worth watching.
ORDINANCE NO. BL2013-358 approves an agreement between Metro, through Nashville Arts Commission, and the Americans for the Arts in relation to the Americans for the Arts 2014 Annual Convention and Pre-Conference which will take place in Nashville, Tennessee. The arts commission is supposed to raise the money for Metro's share of the expense for this project. If they do not, Metro could be subsidizing this convention to the tune of a quarter million dollars. If the representatives of the Arts commission are confident they can raise the money, then the Council should approve this agreement. However, the Council needs some strong assurance that this will not cost the taxpayers.

ORDINANCE NO. BL2013-359 modifies an agreement with the Renaissance Hotel. Since Metro has built the new Music City Center it is necessary to modify the terms of an arrangement the city has with the Renaissance. I would have to assume this is a fair deal to both Metro and Renaissance, however I hope someone on budget and finance has looked at this agreement carefully. 
Bills on Third Reading: There are eight bills on third reading. Third Reading is the final reading. If a bill passes third reading it becomes law unless it is vetoed by the Mayor, which has only rarely happened.

All of the bills on third reading are zoning bill and should interest no one except close neighbors. All of them, except one, have been approved by the planning commission. The disapproved bill is BILL NO. BL2013-353 which would rezone a piece of property on Tanksley Ave to benefit Tire Recappers. This bill has been controversial. 

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A new home for the Green Hills GOP Summit

From Peter Voysey

Hi Everybody!

We are very pleased to announce that the Green Hills GOP Summit has a new ‘home’—the Meeting Room at The St. Paul Senior Living Community in Green Hills! And what a terrific venue it is! The more than ample space is very attractive AND: there are lots of comfortable, padded chairs---there’s plenty of room for tables to handle name tags and food and beverage service---a lectern---a full-size American Flag in a stand—just everything we need (and one or two things that we haven’t needed so far, like a piano!). Together with a great location and free parking we are very fortunate indeed. You will like it!

Our first meeting in our new home will be Saturday (February 23—the 4th Saturday of the month) with coffee and pastries available at 8:30 a.m. and the Program beginning at 9 a.m. (We’ll send a separate email on that.) Right now, we’d like to give you the details about the location and parking. Please take careful note because we will not be able to post any signs inside or outside the venue.

Our Venue Is The Meeting Room At The St. Paul Senior Living Community, Located At 5031 Hillsboro Pike in Green Hills. Turn At The Intersection of Hillsboro And Burton Hills Boulevard. [Conveniently, There Is A Traffic Light At This Intersection.] An Easy Landmark Is St. Paul’s Church With Its Attractive Steeple. Also, The Entrance To The Burton Hills Complex Is Directly Across Hillsboro. A Large Sign At The Entrance Identifies: St. Paul Community Church; St. Paul Christian Academy; and St. Paul Senior Living Community. You Will Pass By Each Of These As You Drive Into The Complex After Leaving Hillsboro Pike. Drive As Far As You Can, Curving To The Left At The End. The Meeting Room Entry Consists Of Two Sets Of Double Glass Doors On The Left (With A Horizontal Row Of Seven Glass Windows Above), Across From A Small Semi-Circular Drive. (You will be entering the Meeting Room directly from the outside.)

You Are Free To Park In Any Of The Parking Spaces In This Area. (Some Are Unmarked And Some Are Marked “BS”—For Beauty Shop—Which Is Not Open On Saturdays.) If Necessary, You May Also Park In The Semi-Circular Drive. NOTE: We Are NOT Authorized To Park In The Garage. Parking In The Area Described Above Should Be Adequate. If It Is Not, You Are Requested To Park In The School Parking Lot. The Visitor’s Parking Lot Located Outside The Front Entrance To The Senior Living Community Building Should Be Avoided As Much As Possible.

Questions? Just reply to this email. We’re delighted to be able to give you this good news. See you Saturday!

Cheers! Peter & Gail Voysey
Event Chairmen
Green Hills GOP Summit
Nashville/Davidson County Republican Party

My Comment: Peter and Gail have done a great job keeping the Green Hills Republican breakfast group going and growing.  It has been a challenge to find and a keep a meeting location in Green Hills. There is not a Shoney's in Green Hills, which is often a popular meeting place, and there are few places that can accommodate a group like this. Peter and Gail's dedication is admirable. I appreciate what they do. Here is a map to the new location.

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Rand Paul to speak at TRA Conference

Senator Rand Paul will be the keynote speaker for the 2013 Tennessee Republican Assembly Annual Conference in Nashville. 

Public tickets will go sale the first week of March. Currently tickets are being offered through liberty groups across the state. Contact liberty leaders if you are a member of a group to possibly get a ticket prior to March.

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War on Drugs got dumber in Tennessee

Tennessee Cops Harass Old Lady After Mistaking Buckeye Bumper Sticker for Pot Leaf Bumper Sticker

by Mike Riggs,, Last week, the former president of the Dallas-Fort Worth Ohio State Alumni Club was pulled over in Tennessee while driving from her mother-in-law's funeral in Ohio back to Texas. The reason? Tennessee police mistook the Buckeyes sticker on her ride for a pot leaf sticker, and thought it meant she was trafficking drugs (because people do that).

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Day of Liberty 2nd Amendment rally Saturday, Mt. Juliet

Nashville Tea Party will sponsor a pro-second amendment "Day of Liberty" rally in Mt. Juliet on Sat. Feb 23, 12 noon at the Charlie Daniels Park in Mt. Juliet, TN.

Guest speakers include  Steve Gill, Nikki Goeser, Scottie Hughes, and Hickok45.

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Kookogey not to seek second term as Willliamson Couty GOP chair

Williamson County GOP Chairman Kevin Kookogey has announced he will not seek a second term according to a story in today's Tennessean. While I do not have first hand knowledge of what is going on in the Williamson County Republican Party, I have heard comments that he has greatly damaged the party, that some contributors were withholding funds and that many Republicans were embarrassed by Kookogey.

Kookogey is either a fringe kook or is a patriot advancing real conservative values according to whom you talk to. He has advanced an anti-Muslim, anti-Agenda 21 agenda.  He has advocated purging the party of insufficiently conservative members and has been critical of Gov. Haslam and other elected Republicans.

The anti-agenda 21 movement is based on a weird theory that the United Nations plans to kill 96% of the worlds population by poisoning them with aspartame and fluoride, although to be fair, most opponents of Agenda 21 probably are not aware of that part of the theory.  In its milder form, the anti-Agenda 21 movement believes that Agenda 21 is a United Nations plan to take away American sovereignty, redistribute wealth and take away property rights in the name of environmentalism.

Across the nation anti-Agenda 21 activist have opposed everything from traffic calming, to reintroducing wolfs into the wild, to sidewalks, smart meters, and almost all forms of planning and mass transit as being part of agenda 21. This anti-agenda 21 movement originated with the John Birch Society and was spread by people like Alex Jones and Glenn Beck. Anti-agenda hysteria has worked its way into the Republican Party with the National GOP adopting an Anti-Agenda 21 party platform plank. The national GOP party platform plank however is short and vague. The Williamson County Republican Party has adopted a strongly worded Anti-Agenda 21 resolution that you can read at this link.  

Anti-Islam activism included taking out a full page ad against Gov. Haslam over his administration's hiring of a qualified Muslim, Samar Ali,  to work in the Department of Economic and CommunityDevelopment.   The Williamson County party has also hosted an event for controversial Dutch anti-Muslim politician Geert Wilders.

Engaging in actions such as the above is not normally a function of a Party chair.  Many see the roll of the Party chair to raise money, elect Republicans to office and increase Party ranks. I am sure many will be glad to see Kookogey go. If anyone has insight into what has happened with the Williamson Country Republican Party under the leadership of Keven Kookogey, I would welcome hearing from you. 

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Rise & Shine, Join Your Fellow GOP'ers
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Coffee, Pastries & Fellowship At 8:30 a.m.
Meeting begins at 9 a.m, (sharp)
The St. Paul Meeting Room---Green Hills







Event Chairmen - Peter and Gail Voysey

Kathleen Starnes, DCRP Chairman
Davidson County Republican Party

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Sunday, February 17, 2013

Residents brainstorm about their kind of city

The Tennessean, Brian Haas, Feb 16, 2013- Nashville may want to listen to Cindy MoonRose if it’s serious about planning for the future.

Moon Rose, one of hundreds of residents to attend the NashvilleNext kickoff event on Saturday, said that the city needs to become the kind of place where you can work, live and play -- not just one of the three.

..... Residents will have an opportunity to offer feedback on what they’d like Nashville to look like and what they’d like to avoid.

Like Atlanta, for example.

“Atlanta’s always served as an example of what we don’t want to be,” said Rod Williams, another longtime resident and a former Metro councilman who pointed to Atlanta’s sprawl and transportation problems.  “Everyone always wants to see growth. We want the right kind of growth. I don’t think that always having more and more development is always a good thing.” (link)

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