Saturday, June 08, 2013

Bill Freeman says we must save the fairgrounds

Bill Freeman is chairman of Freeman Webb Inc., a real estate investment, management and brokerage company based in Nashville, a major Democratic fund raiser, and the former treasurer of the Tennessee Democratic Party. He is often mentioned as a potential candidate for Mayor. If he is interested in running for Mayor, he is smart to get out front on this important issue to the people of Nashville.

In this article, he makes the case for saving the fairground. I agree that we must keep the fairgrounds as the fairgrounds. In my view however, instead of the city making the investment that the property needs, we should give a private entity a long term lease on the property and let them improve it while they maintain the current uses as a fairground and expo center and develop new attractions. 

by Bill Freeman, The Tennessean, Jun. 6, 2013- A Metro Council proposal to provide a $200,000 subsidy to the Tennessee State Fairgrounds highlights an important reality: It’s time our city’s political and business leadership focused on preserving and enhancing one of Nashville’s most important and long-lasting cultural amenities. Nashville’s leaders often benchmark their efforts to grow and improve our city and region in comparison to other cities — and it is a smart strategy to look at successful efforts other cities have undertaken in such things as education and transportation.

When we apply that approach in looking at our Fairgrounds and State Fair, it is abundantly clear that our fair and our fairgrounds are underperforming and we have not been....(read more)

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Friday, June 07, 2013

Video of Muslim sponsored event in Manchestor with commentary

This happened in Manchester and it ain't Bonnoroo

Below is a video of the the AMAC sponsored event in Manchester Tuesday night.

This video was produced by Bill Hobbs. I appreciate him recording it and making it available on Youtube.  Not being able to attend myself, this is the next best thing to being there. To read Bill Hobbs thoughts on event, follow this link.

There are a lot of rude people in the audience, yelling out comments as the speakers speak. Bill Hobbs says maybe only 5 to 10% of the people were jerks and I will take his word for it.  It doesn't take many people to dominate a crowd and create a bad impression. Starting at about at 40 in the video when U. S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Tennessee, William C. Killian is speaking the crowd gets real rowdy and shouts him down. It is real bad at about 54 in the video.

At 20:20 - 34:35 in the video, a portion of the documentary “Welcome to
Shelbyville” is show, about the Muslim experience in Shelbyville Tn and the impact on the community and the community response.

Below are media reports on the event:

Forum on civil rights sparks protest rally for free speech - WKRN TV:

Protesters pack Muslim-sponsored meeting on social media 'hate speech' crackdown -

Muslim group's TN forum with feds disrupted by heckling - Tennessean:

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American Thinker: The Not-So-Veiled Threat to Non-Muslims in Tennessee

From the Blog American Thinker:

The Not-So-Veiled Threat to Non-Muslims in Tennessee

by Janet Levy, June 7, 2013 - The attempted snow job by the American Muslim Advisory Council (AMAC) of Tennessee which sponsored the joint Department of Justice/FBI event, "Public Disclosure in a Diverse Society," Tuesday night in Manchester, Tennessee, did not work with the 2,000 attendees. Claims that American Muslims are loyal citizens, partners in counterterrorism investigations, part of radicalization prevention efforts, and an integral part of American society for centuries fell flat, especially coming from the host organization that was formed only two years ago in response to anti-shariah legislation in the Volunteer State. 

A well-informed crowd responded with calls of "taqiyyah"....(read more)

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Marsha Blackburn: People Feel Betrayed By The Conduct Of This Administration

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Marsha Blackbrun: Government Has A False Sense Of Cybersecurity

Government Has A False Sense Of Cybersecurity 


Big government regulations don't offer much hope for dealing with our nation's evolving cybersecurity challenges
Look no further than a Washington Post story this week that highlighted a confidential defense report showing more than two dozen U.S. weapon system designs were breached by Chinese hackers. The story also underscored another sobering reality: "The Pentagon is unprepared to counter a full-scale cyber-conflict." Read More

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The June 11 Metro Council agenda is now available

If you will wait, I will tell you what is on the agenda that is interesting, but if you just can't wait, here it is: Agenda.

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Can you track me now?

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What happend at the Council meeting June 4th

I usually summarize the Council meetings and notate in the video where to go to see the most interesting parts of the meeting. I have not done that in a timely manner this time, so I am not going to do it. To know more about what happened at the last Council meeting, follow this link to view the minutes of the meeting:

Below is the Tennessean's coverage of the meeting:

The Metro Council approved the city’s $1.81 billion budget Tuesday after making only minor changes to Mayor Karl Dean’s plan.

Council members also heard a variety of strong opinions about Dean’s proposal for a 7.1-mile bus rapid transit line during a public hearing on the mayor’s capital spending plan, which calls for pumping $7.5 million into further engineering of the project, now known as “The Amp.” (link)

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Thursday, June 06, 2013

Corker Seeks Explanation From White House For NSA’s Sweeping Collection Of U.S. Phone Records


The, Thursday, June 06, 2013 - In a letter to President Barack Obama on Thursday, Senator Bob Corker, (R-Tn.), ranking member of the Foreign Relations Committee, sought an explanation regarding reports of the National Security Agency’s collection of U.S. phone records on Verizon’s network of 121 million customers. A court order from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court compelled Verizon Communications Inc. to turn over records for all calls placed within the U.S. and between the U.S. and other countries. (To read more and read the letter, follow this link)

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Wednesday, June 05, 2013

The Manchester Free Speach resistance to Federal intimidation rally

I was not at the rally in Manchester but support the cause of Free Speech and would have attended if I had been able. My motivation would have been to support the First Amendment. While I recognize that we are in a war with radical Islam, I do not support the bigotry that says Muslims should not have the right to build a Mosque or the bigotry that says Governor Haslam should not be permitted to hire a person who happens to be a Muslim. I would have been standing side by side with some people I have previously criticized. I believe the First Amendment applies equally to Muslims and to critics of Islam. Below are reports of the rally from other sources.

From The Tennessean:

Diversity event draws raucous crowd in Coffee County
by Nicole Young -Hundreds of people turned out at the Manchester Convention Center Tuesday evening for an event billed as a discussion of public discourse in a diverse society, with a particular focus on the Muslim religion.
People were turned away at the door because the facility was too full. Some grew angry and started hurling  terms like “Communist,” “Socialist” and “Muslim” at law enforcement officials.
Gene Policinski, senior vice president and executive director of the First Amendment Center, a non-profit educational iniative with offices on Vanderbilt Campus and in Washington D.C., said the First Amendment does not restrict the right of a public official to express opinions.

“Are public officials held to a higher standard than you or I? I think yes, but it's not a limitation,” he said. “There's nothing in the First Amendment banning anyone to say things that people find repellant, distasteful, repugnant, or even bigoted. The antidote that our founders provided for speech is more speech, not less.(link)

From the blob Jihad Watch:

The Tennessean defames patriots who stood for free speech 
I met Nicole Young of The Tennessean last night and asked her if she was as bad as her colleague Bob Smietana, who is one of the most truth-challenged, agenda-driven, pro-Muslim Brotherhood reporters in the country. Her report is probably not as bad as Smietana's would have been, but she still places front and center the preposterous claim that someone in the crowd was "afraid" of the other audience members, as if these patriots who came out to defend the freedom of speech were some gang of thugs -- but of course, that's how the mainstream media always portrays those who oppose jihad and Islamic supremacism, and the facts be damned.(link)
Nearly 2,000 at AFDI rally for freedom of speech in Tennessee
Robert Spencer and I blew into Tennessee after numerous flight delays, draconian TSA patdowns and security checks, and crippling rush hour traffic, and imagine how thrilled we were when we rounded the corner and saw throngs of patriots and freedom lovers, all happy warriors who had converged in Manchester, Tennessee to oppose the latest Obama Administration salvo against the freedom of speech -- a seminar led by an Obama-appointed U.S. Attorney on how civil rights laws could and should be used to shut down speech deemed "inflammatory" against Muslims (a label that has been used before to shut down truthful speech about jihad and Islamic supremacism). SION Board member James Lafferty, Tennessee freedom activists Lou Ann Zelenick, Joan French, Bill Warner and Rebecca Bynum, ex-Saturday Night Live cast member Victoria Jackson, and numerous other freedom fighters made their opposition known to this outrageous anti-free speech initiative, and their determination to resist it.(link)

From the blog Atlas Shurgs:
Free Speech Showdown In Small-Town America 

All eyes are on Tennessee tonight, as the fight for the very soul of America comes to a very small town: Manchester, Tennessee, a town no bigger than 60,000 people. (Almost 2,000 people were there -- that's three percent of the local population.) This was the perhaps unlikely venue for a seminar led by a U.S. attorney and an FBI special agent on how "inflammatory" speech against Muslims violated civil rights laws. Nowhere was it ever explained how there could be honest examination of Islam's teachings of jihad that wouldn't be "inflammatory" -- and that was just the point.

There were close to 800 people filling the small room to way beyond capacity. The lines were three deep along the wall, with folks spilling out into the hallways -- plus many hundreds more outside. Those outside weren't missing much -- unless they were in the mood to be admonished and hectored as xenophobes, bigots and racists by an Islamic supremacist spokesman and two Obama officials who steadfastly refused to address the elephant in the room: the reality of jihad terror and Islamic supremacism, no matter how many times the boisterous crowd called them on their nonsense.(link)
Rep. Joe Carr
Victoria Jackson, formerly of SNL

Rep. Rick Womack
Pamela Geller of Atlas Shurgs

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Tuesday, June 04, 2013

Crunchy Con Rand Paul: Republicans care just as deeply about the environment as Democrats

I am somewhat of a environmentalist, or at least a conservationist.  I do think we need to be good stewards of the earth and I like clean air and clean water and the outdoors and I want to preserve species from extension and preserve beautiful vistas and waterfalls and critical habitats and open spaces.  I believe man-made global warming is most likely a valid scientific theory.  I do think, however, that much of what is proposed to combat global warming is useless and much is silly symbolism. Some of it, such as corn-based ethanol, is actually terribly harmful to the environment. Properly inflating your tires when China is building a coal-fired plant a week is not going to accomplish much. Once CO2 is in the atmosphere it doesn't go away, so efforts to combat global warming must make sense and must be bold. I also don't want to surrender our liberty to unelected bureaucrats at the EPA and I don't want to scarifice jobs and ecomomic growth without a stingent cost-benefit analysis. I think positions taken by many conservatives on enviornmental issues is not only wrong, but politically suicidal.

I was pleased to come across this piece on Rand Paul. I am not sure how his enviornmentalism will translate into policy, but at least he does not come across as an enemy of the enviornment. What has been missing from envoronmental debate is a pro-growth, pro-market, pro-technology solution to environmental issues. All we have heard is the no-growth, bigger government solutions. I look forward to hearing more from Rand Paul on enrionmental policy. Rand Paul is looking better and better.

National Review Online,

“I’m a libertarian conservative who spends most of my free time outdoors,” he told the sold-out crowd. “I bike and hike and kayak, and I compost.” The audience, which was full of retired businessmen and lawyers, laughed as he made light of his bohemian ways. “In fact,” he continued, “I have a giant Sequoia I’m trying to grow in Kentucky.”

Paul’s unabashed crunchiness — the term was popularized by former National Review writer Rod Dreher to describe some conservatives’ taste for granola, Birkenstocks, and Mother Nature — wasn’t just a stylistic aside. He argued that his lifestyle is a reflection of his reform agenda for the GOP, which is founded on themes of local control, states’ rights, and free enterprise. He spoke about how the party needs to be a voice for those who love the environment but want the government to stop intruding in their lives and livelihoods. “When we as Republicans wake up and tell voters that we want to be the champion of the small farmer and the small businessman or woman, then we will thrive as a party,” he said. “Republicans care just as deeply about the environment as Democrats, but we also care about jobs.” (read more)

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Southeast Nashville Conservatives' Breakfast, Saturday, June 15

Shoney's Bell Road @ Cane Ridge Road Antioch (I-24, Bell Road Exit)
Breakfast & Social: 8:30 am - 9:00 am
Meeting: 9:00 am - 10:00 am
Guest Speaker State Senator Ferrell Haile, D.PH.

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06/03/13 Budget & Finance Committee Meeting

This is the June 3rd Budget and Finance committee meeting where the Metro Budget is discussed.

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Questionable Contracts State Rental Car Bills Riddled With Questionable Charges

Anti-Tax leader Ben Cunningham is featured in this story. | Nashville News, Weather 

by Phil Williams, Chief  Investigative Reporter, NASHVILLE, Tenn, Jun 03, 2013 - An exclusive NewsChannel 5 investigation has discovered some state agencies may be paying more to rent cars than they should. But the company behind the contract to outsource the state's motor pool insisted that it's not the one responsible for the questionable charges.

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Will the Amp/Bus Rapid Transit cause more problems than it cures?

In case you missed it, the following article by Malcolm Getz, an associate professor of economics at Vanderbilt University, was in today's Tennessean.

I am, at this point, undecided if I support the Amp or not.  I do think that Nashville needs to embrace greater housing density close in to downtown and began building mass transit. In my view, we need to move away from the model of greater and greater sprawl and building wider interstates. We do not want to become Atlanta or L. A. Good, liveable, big cities you would want to visit have mass transit.  I do have reservations, however, about taking two and sometimes three lanes of West End to devote to dedicated bus lanes. I think the loss of traffic capacity will result in greater congestion, more than current drivers choosing to ride the bus will result in less congestion.

by Malcolm Getz,The Tennessean, Jun. 3, 2013 - Permanently removing two lanes of traffic from Broadway and West End for The Amp/BRT will dramatically increase traffic congestion. Congestion will increase the day construction begins and will have strong adverse consequences for a long time.

How does The Amp/BRT cause congestion? (link)

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Council to pass Metro Budget tonight. Council budget add $700K to mayor's budget! Fairgound gets subsidy but takes a blow!

Nashville council adds $200,000 fairgrounds subsidy to mayor's budget plan

Alternate budget increases mayor's plan by $702,000

by Michael Cass, The Tennessean, 6/4/2013 - The Metro Council is on track to approve a $1.8 billion operating budget that makes a few small changes to Mayor Karl Dean’s proposal, including a $200,000 subsidy for the Tennessee State Fairgrounds.

The council’s Budget and Finance Committee unanimously approved the substitute budget Monday afternoon, setting the stage for tonight’s final vote by the full council.(link)

My Comment: I am surprised the Council completed their budget work so soon. I am disappointed that the Council increased the mayor's budget by $700,000 by dipping into reserve funds.  I would have favored some reallocation of funds, but not increasing the budget. I would have like to have seen a budget that eliminated entirely the Metro Human Relations Department, the agency that sponsors the Youth Pavilion at the Gay Pride Festival, and reallocated that money to other departments. 

I favor the giving of the subsidy to the fairgrounds, but I am very disappointed that it ties that subsidy to approval of one of two option presented by a consultant hired to advise the city on the fairgrounds. I think there are much better options than either of the two presented by the consultants. One of the other options is to give a private entity a long-term lease on the properly with stipulations that they maintain the current uses. There is an entity that wants to do that and have promised to finance major upgrades to the site and have plans to add an attraction. The ties of the subsidy to one of the plans offered by the consultants appears to be part of a continuing effort to destroy the fairgrounds.

Normally I would not favor a subsidy to enterprise fund agencies that should be self supporting, but the Fairgrounds is losing money due to the effort of the mayor to close the fairgrounds and sell off the property for a corporate campus. The uncertainty at the fairground caused a loss of business and resulted in a loss of revenue. The city should subsidize the fairgrounds to give it a chance to recover from the inflicted wound. This tie of money to one of two bad choices however is not the solution the fair grounds needs.

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Manchester Free Speech rally grows- National figures attending.

It looks like the free speech rally in Manchester is turning into a big event, bigger than the Federal Government intimidation "civil rights" seminar. This is from an on-line source from a resident of Coffee County.

Subject: ACT! for Coffee County - 3 June update 
- Free Speech Rally before 4 June meeting ACT!

For Coffee County Patriots,
If you have listened to talk radio today, you know that the meeting tomorrow night is taking on a life of its own. Here are some of the details and issues we are planning for (from extremely reliable source) …

- 5:30 pm Free Speech Rally. Pamela Geller, Robert Spencer and other national leaders are flying in for this event. We will set up a soap box and hand each qualified speaker the bull horn. The Rally will be immediately adjacent to the conference center. - There will be many police directing traffic.

- The actual AMAC supported event with the US Attorney and FBI Special Agent starts at 6:30 pm

- Get there early to get a seat.

- There will be a lot of security, especially if you try to bring in any kind of bag. - Filming and cameras are permitted anywhere – bring one if you can.

- If the conference center parking fills up, Frances Arthur and her family are offering a taxi service for those who park at the Walmart across the street. Thanks Frances. Service begins ~4:00 pm and you will get return service after the event.

 - O’Charlie’s in Manchester has a room reserved before the rally for any interested in a meal with likeminded folks. Ask for the “Green Room” or ask for Michelle Russell’s room. Thanks Michelle.

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Monday, June 03, 2013

Ron Paul Endorsed End the Fed Film 'Silver Circle' Premieres in Nashville

From :The Nashville Libertarian Meetup Group:

  • Wednesday, June 26, 2013 6:00 PM
  • The Filming Station, 501 8th Avenue South, Nashville, TN (map)
  • Ron Paul himself endorsed "Silver Circle" with this statement, “I am very excited about Silver Circle, which spreads the message of liberty and sound money via an exciting tale of a future where the Federal Reserve has killed the dollar, the US economy has collapsed, and the federal government has slid into complete authoritarianism. Fortunately, a brave band of rebels works to restore liberty and undermine the Federal Reserve’s power via an alternative currency."
    Silver Circle is a 3d animated, dystopian film in which a group of rebels mint their own silver currency to fight back against an out-of-control Federal Reserve. It has action, adventure, romance, and a gripping story line with an important message about sound money.
    A Facebook event has been created for the event, which can be found below.
    There will be showings at 6:15 PM and 8:15 PM on June 26th at the Filming Station on 8th avenue.
    Tickets can be acquired at the below link, and an after party will take place at Mafiaozas.

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Sunday, June 02, 2013

What's on the Council Agenda for June 4th analysis and summary

You can get your own copy of the Metro council meeting agenda at this link: Metro Council Agenda. You can find the analysis at this link: Metro Council Agenda Analysis. Council meetings can be really, really boring if you don't know what the Council is voting on. With an agenda and analysis, they are just boring.

Confirmation of Appointments

Two people are being considered for appointment to the NES board. NES has been in the news in recent months for massive fraud and mismanagement. Costa Jenkins, the executive director of NES should, in my view, be in jail or at least fired. He continues in his position and draws a larger salary than anyone else in Metro  government. I would hope these two appointees would be questions about the scandals involving NES, and if they are not committed to prosecuting the guilty they should not be appointed.  For more on the NES scandals, see here.  This could be an occasion for a councilman who believes in clean government to step forward and make a difference.

Five of the board members of the Human Relations Commission are up for confirmation of their reappointment. The HRC is a Metro agency with no function that needs to be done that could not be done by some other agency.  The whole purpose of HRC seems to be to promote political correctness and liberal causes. One of the things they do is sponsor a youth pavilion at the Nashville Gay Pride Festival, which I think is inappropriate. I do not think Metro should be in the business of normalizing and promoting a homosexual lifestyle among young people.  I hope someone in the Council would question the appointees about this and if the appointee supports continuing Metro's support of this function, that the Councilman would vote against them. This is an occasion where a conservative leader could step forward in the Council.  None have so far. This is another opportunity. For more on this, see this link.

There are five bills on public hearing, all of them local rezoning bills which should interest no one except immediate neighbors of the properties.

There are seventeen resolutions all of which are on the consent agenda. A resolution is put on the consent agenda if it is likely to be non-controversial and it stays on the consent agenda if it passes the committees to which it was assigned unanimously. Bills on the consent agenda are usually not controversial and tend to be routine matters, such as accepting grants from the Federal or State Government or authorizing the Department of Law to settle claims against the city or appropriating money from the 4% fund. Resolutions on the consent agenda are passed by a single vote of the Council rather than being considered individually. However, any member of the body may have a bill pulled off of the consent agenda. Below are some bills I expect to be pulled from the consent agenda.

  • RESOLUTION NO. RS2013-670  which establishes the certified tax rate in both the General Services District and the Urban Services District will likely be deferred again to "track" the budget. After a general appraisal, state law requires that the city must pass a new tax rate that brings in no more revenue than the tax rate prior to the reappraisal. There is no reason, this bill could not pass at this meeting. It does not need to wait for the outcome of the budget.
  • RESOLUTION NO. RS2013-700 approves the Metropolitan Animal Care and Control fee schedule. There has been some controversy about this bill, but I have not bothered to get a clear understanding what all of the controversy is about. If you want to know more, go to the analysis and see this link.
  • RESOLUTION NO. RS2013-709 allows Metro to issue bonds to finance projects in the capital improvement budget. RESOLUTION NOS. RS2013-711 THROUGH RS2013-713 concern approval of various sections of the Metro Pay Plan, the effect of which is a 1.5% across the board pay increase and reinstatement of step increases.  It will be deferred to track with the budgets.  
Bills on First readingalmost always pass. They are considered as a group and are seldom discussed. First reading is a formality that allows the bill to be considered. Bills are not assigned to committee or analyzed by council staff until after they have passed first reading.  I have not carefully reviewed the bills on first reading, but will before second reading. There are fourteen bills on first reading.

Bills on Second Reading: It is on Second reading, after bills have been to committee, that discussion usually takes place.  There are fourteen bills on second reading. None of them seem terribly important and most of them are for the purchasing of easement. Below are bills of interest.
  • BILL NO. BL2013-423 would swap some Metro land for some State land. The land that the School for the Arts sits on and the land that will be the site of the future STEM charter school located on the old Tennessee Preparatory School site on Foster Ave, would be swapped for the old Ben West Library site downtown at Eighth and Union Ave . Metro now owns the library and the State owns the TPS site. Some council members are opposed to this deal, feeling that it is an uneven swap and Metro is getting the lesser bargain. There is also some opposition to tearing down the old Ben West library because some preservationist consider the building architecturally significant.  The most persuasive argument against the deal is that there is a deed restriction that requires the site to be used as a library or revert to the heirs of those who gave the land to Metro to be used as a library. I think deed restrictions should be honored as a matter of principle but as a matter of practicality we should not move forward with this deal until the title issues have been resolved. It was deferred the last two meetings and I expect it to be deferred again.
Bills on Third Reading: Third Reading is the final reading. If a bill passes third reading it becomes law unless it is vetoed by the Mayor, which has only rarely happened. Most of them are zoning bills and I don't expect any of them to generate controversy. Below are the bills of interest.
  • Bill NO. BL2013-360 requires a compensation and benefits study for the mayor, vice mayor, and members of council which would include an examination of salaries and benefits. The study will also consider the long term costs of providing health insurance benefits for future former council members. Now, after serving two terms, former council members can get subsidized Metro health insurance on the same terms as retired metro employee.  When first enacted in 1990 this was not a terribly expensive benefit. With such a large council however, and with term limits there is a growing number of former council members. This study is to take into account the effect of term limits on this benefit. Previously the council had before it a bill to repeal this benefit and another time, it had before it a bill to reduce it, both of which failed. This needs to pass.
  • BILL NO. BL2013-420 creates a small business economic development incentive grant program.  As you are probably aware, Metro Council has been picking winner and looser by bribing big companies not to leave metro and "enticing" big companies to expand or relocate to Davidson County. Some have argued that this is wrong and the same enticements should be offered to small businesses. I do see this policy as a problem. By paying companies to locate or not to leave we create an incentive whereby a company would be foolish to move here unless they get their pay-off and we have created an incentive for companies to threaten to leave unless we pay them to stay.  Unfortunately, it is hard to stop playing this game since other cities are also playing it.  Cities have created an environment to where they have to pay the incentive or another city that does pay the incentive will get the big corporate headquarter relocations and manufacturing plants. 
I don't think the way to fix this problem is to expand it to small businesses. This bill passed second reading  by a voice vote which means since no one asked to be recorded as voting "no," then it is assumed they voted for it. I expect it to pass on third without discussion but I think it is a bad bill. Expanding crony capitalism and the policy of picking winner and losers to small business simply expands an already bad policy; it doesn't fix it.
  • ORDINANCE NO. BL2013-431 is the operating budget and ORDINANCE NO. BL2013-431 is the tax levy. They will be deferred. 
There are no memorilizng resolutions. 

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Davidson County Young Republicans guest is Gov. Winfield Dunn

The Davidson County Young Republicans are very honored that former Governor Winfield Dunn will be our guest speaker at our meeting on Thursday, June 6th at 6:00 p.m. Please make plans to join us at Logan's Restaurant at 2400 Elliston Place, Nashville, Tennessee. We hope you can attend! Thank you.
Heather Sczepczenski, Chair
Davidson County Young Republicans

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Free Speech Rally in Manchester June 4th

Atlas Shrugged, The American Freedom Defense Initiative, Tennessee Freedom Coalition, local 9-12ers and others are calling for a massive rally in favor of free speech on June 4th at 5:30pm at the Manchester-Coffee County Conference Center, 147 Hospitality Blvd, in Manchester, Tennessee.

At that time a U.S. attorney in Tennessee along with the FBI special agent that runs the Knoxville office, are set to speak to a special meeting with the local Muslim community, informing them about their rights under federal law.  They have vowing to use federal civil rights statutes to clamp down on offensive and inflammatory speech about Islam. The Free Speech rally will occur outside the building where inside the federal government officials will be conducting their seminar.

I sided with the Muslim when they wanted to build a mosque in Murfressboro, because I support the First Amendment and believe in freedom of religion.  In this controversy, I am siding with the people I previously opposed because I still support the First Amendment and I believe is freedom of speech.

I can't take off from work to attend this rally. I have had to take too much time off from work to care for my ailing wife. If you can go, please attend and stand up against a growing tyrannical government trying to silence dissident voices.

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