Sunday, January 05, 2014

1ST TUESDAY delayed due to weather

From Tim Skow of 1st Tuesday:

1ST TUESDAY members and friends, 
For the 1st time in over 6 years... 1ST TUESDAY is delayed due to weather.  As you likely know... various versions of frozen precipitation is expected Sunday night. Monday's  "HIGH temperature" is expected to be 8 degrees. Given that Tuesday morning temperatures will be from 12 degrees to 16 degrees, it simply cannot be justified to ask our speakers, members and friends to deal with the risks of venturing out into the cold. [  thought I had left 8 winters of surviving life on the coast of Alaska behind  ] Depending on the schedule(s) of our Speakers, I look forward to providing details of when the JAN, 204 version of 1ST TUESDAY will take place. As of now, I do not have answers to your questions about a JAN meeting.... BUT.....
Remember - US SENATOR RAND PAUL [R-KY] will be our speaker on Monday, FEB 10th! If you have not already paid your 2014 dues and secured your seat for FEB 10th, you will want to do so shortly... seating is limited... and the room is filling]

Thank you for your understanding and please pass the word to those you know. Stay warm... and safe.
Tim Skow

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