Thursday, January 09, 2014

1st Tuesday to meet Monday Jan. 13 and feature an AMP debate

From 1st Tuesday:

Our JAN meeting is ON for Monday, the 13th - AND - tomorrow it will be warmer! Our meeting will feature the $175,000,000 HOT topic known as AMP. Have you heard of AMP ????

AMP is Mayor Dean's idea of creating a dedicated lane in the middle of the road FOR BUSES ONLY running from east Nashville - through downtown - coming up Broadway - extending out West End and running all the past St. Thomas Hospital and ending at roughly White Bridge Road. As stated, the initial price of AMP is $175,000,000. Projected annual operating cost of AMP are expected to exceed $4,000,000.

Nashville Area Chamber of Commerce President Ralph Schulz and his team will be there to advocate for AMP. Dr. Malcolm Getz from Vanderbilt and his team will join us to challenge AMP. I have asked both sides to come prepared with facts, charts and presentations that can stand up to the scrutiny 1ST TUESDAY members are well known for !

The stakes are high. The affects and results of this debate will alter Nashville's future. The political implications are immense. No matter if you end up for it ... or opposing... everyone can agree ..... AMP is a BIG deal !!!

As usual, we will meet at WALLER LAW - 511 Union Street - 27th floor. Doors will open at 11AM for Coffee & Social Time... Lunch will be start at 11:30 and our program will start promptly at Noon. Each side will get "about 12 minutes" to make their case with about 2 minutes for follow-up comments before our noted Q&A session starts. I will cut the Q&A off at 1PM...but both sides will be around for a bit to answer additional questions.

As my little mother would say... " this meeting is going to be a DOOOZZY" !! Expect to see multiple current members of the Metro Council... and potential candidates who could end up dealing with AMP in the days to come.

If you have not already done so, you can secure your seat... and seating for any guests .. by visiting our 1ST TUESDAY website and clicking on Shopping Cart. If you have not already taken care of your 2014 MEMBER dues.. please do so !!

Reminder -- US Senator RAND PAUL will be our guest speaker Monday, FEB 10th. Our limited seating will first be made available to 2014 MEMBERS. Seats have been going briskly, so if you want to join us on FEB 10th... let me encourage you not to delay !

See you Monday !! ... [yes, Monday, JAN 13th... and Monday, FEB 10th ]

Till then, stay warm,
Tim Skow Host of 1ST TUESDAY

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