Friday, January 31, 2014

Alexander Campaign Reports $3.18 Million Cash on Hand

Campaign Raises $4.66 Million in 2013

Press Release, NASHVILLE, TN – Senator Lamar Alexander’s re-election campaign today announced that the campaign began 2014 with $3.18 million cash on hand, bringing the total raised for 2013 to $4.66 million.

“As senator and governor, Lamar Alexander has been standing up for Tennessee and we are ready to stand up for him. We’ve raised money from thousands of donors across our state and are grateful for their support,” said Alexander for Senate Finance Chairman Steve Smith.

The campaign raised $768,353 in the fourth quarter of 2013.

The Alexander campaign is chaired by Congressman Jimmy Duncan, with co-chairmen Governor Bill Haslam, U.S. Senator Bob Corker, Lt. Gov. Ron Ramsey, Speaker Beth Harwell, as well as Congressmen Blackburn, Roe, Black, Fincher, and Fleischmann.

The campaign’s Honorary Co-Chairmen include former U.S. Senators Howard Baker, Bill Brock, Bill Frist and Fred Thompson, as well as former Governors Winfield Dunn and Don Sundquist.

Serving as Honorary Co-Chairs of the Statewide Committee to Elect Lamar Alexander are all 13 living former state Republican Party chairs.

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