Monday, January 27, 2014

An emotional plea for Medical Marijuana from a Grandmother seeking help for baby grandaughter.

The following is reposted from the Tennessee Federation of Republican Women Facebook page.

Mawmaw goes to Nashville!!
I am here today for the Medical Marijuana Lobby.

Date: January 27, 2014

To: Lieutenant Governor Ron Ramsey
Fellow TN Republican Legislators

Re: TN Medical Marijuana Bill HB 1385
Chloe Grauer
Our Family’s Face for Medical Marijuana

I am writing to ask for your support after seeing the touching interview this week about the personal story of Lieutenant Governor Ron Ramsey and his grandson, Briggs. I was so moved by the deep emotion in Ron’s voice about his personal experience as a grandparent in the face of the unthinkable.
I saw Ron’s faith, his hope and his ability to accept God’s will while all the time knowing he would do everything in his power to save his grandson. However, as he admits, the situation was out of his hands. He could not personally fix or negotiate a fix, nor would money make it go away. Thankfully his story had a happy ending because his family was fortunate to have access to medical treatments that could heal his grandson.

I am a grandparent that knows and feels those same deep emotions each and every day since October 2012. Ron and his family have found peace but my family fights everyday to find a medical therapy to keep our Chloe alive and to ease her suffering. Our struggle is not from a lack of faith, but one of politics. There is a therapy that might help Chloe but we cannot have access to it in the State of TN.

Chloe has a rare neurological condition that causes her to have 100-200 seizures a day. When Chloe was born we had eight glorious days of joy but then the seizures began. She has only been alive 461 days and with a conservative estimate has had over 45,300 seizures. There are so few words to adequately express the helplessness we feel after watching her cluster seizures last more than an hour to just start up again as soon as they end. We have tried every medication cocktail available but it is not without a price, the toll of the side affects of these medicines steal almost any hope from us that Chloe will ever have a better quality of life.

Sadly Chloe is not unique in the sense of being a rare medical anomaly, there are thousands of other special needs children that live in TN that are being denied access to the medical oil (Charlottes Web Oil) from the marijuana plant. The medical grade CBD oil is not intoxicating, does not produce a high and therefore has no street value. Unfortunately my grand daughter’s life is caught up in a debate over “pot”.

I understand what a complex issue this is as it regards to medical marijuana but Republican Allen Peake in Macon, GA has written a bill that will focus only on the oil in an attempt to offer compassionate care for children like Chloe. When a parent sees a news story like the one Dr. Sanjay Gupta did on CNN this past August it is hard not to have hope that the Charlotte’s Web oil might help their child. With a 99.9% success rate in reducing or eliminating most seizures in the children featured in the documentary it makes you want to whisper ‘what if’….

Lieutenant Governor Ramsey, won’t you please extend the blessing from the healing of Briggs to consider how your support might help your fellow Tennesseans that find themselves at a very similar cross road as your family? I never imagined that I would be an advocate for medical marijuana but if you spent just one day with our sweet Chloe you would understand why I would move Heaven and Earth to ease her pain and suffering if I could.

Thank you for your consideration, I pray you will support the effort of our family and all those other children desperate for a chance to try this new medical therapy.

Gail Grauer
Gail Grauer , Memphis, TN
C: 901-517-4664

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