Thursday, January 30, 2014

Anti-Obama protesters turn out to greet the president.

I attended the anti-Obama protest today across the street from McGavock High School.  I arrived at about 1PM and had to leave to get back to work about 2PM, so I did not get to stay until President Obama arrived. I don't think I missed much however. The Presidents motorcade did not go past the protesters. Protesters were required to protest on McGavovk and the President entered the school grounds from Two Rivers Parkway and was protected from seeing the protesters.

Ben Cunningham talking to the press.
The announced start of the protest was 1PM, so I doubt the crowd grew after the time I left.  There was a brief program: Pray, pledge, brief remarks by organizer Ben Cunningham, remarks by State Rep Joe Carr who is running against Senator Lamar Alexander and someone else who I do not recall. I mingled and chatted with people and enjoyed the camaraderie. There were about, maybe 150 anti-Obama protesters, and about maybe 30 generally pro-Obama demonstrators, and about 30 or so Hispanics demonstrating for amnesty and chanting, "keep families together."   Here are some pictures I took and a YouTube video I found and chopped.
For news reports on the President's visit follow these links: here, here, and here.

For news reports on the Presidents visit follow these links: here, here, and here.

Here is Lt. Governor Ron Ramsey's Facebook comment on the Presidents visit:

I would like to welcome the President to Tennessee. Tennessee balances its budget, pays its debts, cuts taxes and saves for a rainy day. President Obama vehemently opposes these concepts. I hope the President doesn't just speak when he touches down in our great state, but looks, listens and absorbs the lessons of conservative government.

Obama's liberal vision forced conservative Democrats to flee their party and join the GOP. The contrast between Tennessee's conservative success and President Obama's liberal failure could not be more striking. I appreciate this opportunity for voters to see this comparison up close and personal.
Tennessee Watchdog U.S. Rep. Steve Cohen, D-Memphis, (in the car) had an up-close
 encounter with the Tea Party in Nashville today while stalled in traffic to see President Obama.

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  1. Do you know, if anyone is organizing a protest for next Tuesday when Obama will visit Nashville?

  2. I do not. If I learn of such, I will post immediately. Rod

  3. Ben Cunningham said that he is organizing a protest. I posted this page to try to spread the word. The page has been shared on Facebook over 1K times, according to the page stats.

    1. Last I heard, Ben is not organizing a protest now. However, there will definitely be protesters at the event site, Casa Azafran, and probably many protesters. I hear people are even coming from surrounding states. At an event like this there are normally multiple organizers, who share the info and bring a group, but it may be that none want to be named publicly.
