Thursday, January 23, 2014

Caffeinated Conservatives to meet Jan. 25th

From Stephen Clements

 Hi everybody,
Now that you've recovered from wonderful holidays and hacking coughs, it's time to get back to our political junkie support group meetings, er, our coffee socials!
To start off the new year right, come talk with Barry Donegan, Liberty activist, former Director at Large of the Davidson County Republican Party, and fitness guru, and find out why you should get a tattoo of Ron Paul, the impact the Libertarian movement is having on electoral politics, and how to keep that resolution to lose weight and get washboard abs!
WHEN: Saturday January 25th, from 12 PM - 2 PM
WHERE: Bagelface Bakery (700 Main Street, East Nashville)
WHAT: Barry Donegan, Libertarian activist and campaign operator
WHO: YOU, bring a friend, your appetite, and all the questions and comments you want to batter a Libertarian with.

Stephen Clements
Caffeinated Conservatives

Save the date! In addition to our February coffee social, we are having an evening cocktail social with nationally-syndicated talk radio host Phil Valentine, at The Cave in downtown Nashville, on February 22nd from 5 PM - 8 PM! The movie is free, and it is an all-ages show. Click the link below to RSVP.

For more information on Bagelface Bakery, who love seeing us pack their shop every month:

On Facebook? Come Like the Caffeinated Conservatives page:

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