Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Clark Boyd to challenge Mae Beaver for senate seat nomination

Clark Boyd
Mae Beavers who has served in the State Senate since 2002 has picked up a primary opponent to challenge her this year. According to The Wilson Post, Lebanon small business owner and Wilson County Republican Party Chairman Clark Boyd announced his candidacy for State Senate in Tennessee’s 17th District on Monday.

"After much discussion, prayerful consideration, and encouragement from people around the district, I have decided to seek this opportunity to serve Tennessee in the State Senate," Boyd said.

“People from all around our region have made it clear that they are looking for fresh, new, conservative leadership in Nashville. With Republican supermajorities in both chambers of the state legislature, we as conservatives have a historic opportunity to advance our ideals and affect meaningful change, but only if we set aside differences of the past and move forward together on the principles that unite us as a party."

"Differences of the past," most likely refers to the bitter feud between Mae Beavers and Representative Susan Lynn. I will not rehash the reason for that feud here, but if anyone is interested they can read what The  Nashville Scene wrote about it in 2010. 

Mae Beavers has sponsored some bills that puts her in the camp of the nutty fringe. Beavers recently proposed a bill that would nullify any new federal gun in Tennessee and another bill which would make it illegal for any person working for the state or any subdivision of the State to in any way assist in implementing the Affordable Care Act in Tennessee.

Nullification is the dangerous and unconstitutional act of declaring a law null and void in the state and therefore unenforceable in the state.  Nullification has been rejected by almost all scholars who have examined the issue and has been denounced by conservative organizations ranging from The Heritage Foundation to National Review to the Cato Institute. In the past Mae Beavers has also pandered to the "Birthers," who continue to allege that Barack Obama was not born in the United States and is thus illegally serving as President. 

Clark Boyd is currently chair of the Wilson County Republican Party but has announced his plans to resign to pursue the Party nomination for Senate candidate. While serving as WCRP Chairman, Clark increased active party membership and implemented precinct level organizational planning for the Party.

Boyd is a small business owner and State Farm agent in Lebanon. A graduate of East Tennessee State University, served for 11 years in the Army National Guard and the U.S. Army Reserve before being medically discharged in 2007 at the rank of Captain. He has served as President of the Wilson County Habitat for Humanity, President of the Rotary Club of Lebanon, and is a member of the National Rifle Association and the Lebanon Wilson County Chamber of Commerce.

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  1. I was at the Conservative Groups meeting tonight and Boyd's candidacy came up. I knew nothing about him. The folks there said he is a solid conservative. I'm not in his district but I may throw a contribution his way, will be glad to see Mae and her nuttiness out of there but don't want a lib Democrat replacing her either. Thanks, Rod.

  2. State Sen. Mae Beavers, R-Mt. Juliet, may very well be the General Assembly's most conservative member. She won her seat by stridently opposing a state income tax and, over the years, has made attacking the federal government - on issues such as gun control, health care reform and education - a centerpiece of her legislative agenda.

    Those stances have won her re-election, but they also have drawn her frequent primary challenges. The latest comes from Clark Boyd, a former chairman of the Wilson County Republican Party. Boyd says Republicans in the district need a new direction

    What new direction is he seeking? Full steam ahead on gun control? Common Core? And the rest of the nutty stuff to take away your personal freedoms? Since when did this become a "Republican platform". Perhaps you all need to look at the Bratt Cantor campaign. Bratt simply followed the Republican platform that too many have left behind. FORWARD!
