Monday, January 13, 2014

Coungress is a millionairs's club and Tennessee's delegation is no exception.

From WMOT:

Senators Lamar Alexander and Bob Corker are the wealthiest members of the Tennessee delegation. Alexander reports assets valued at more than $9.8 million, while Corker has assets of at least $8.6 million.

Nashville Rep. Jim Cooper is by far the wealthiest Tennessean in the House, disclosing assets valued at more than $8.4 million. (link)

My Comment: I am not terribly bothered by millionaires.  I wish I was one. And, a million is not what it used to be. A middle class couple who both work and who are frugal and invest regularly may acquire a million in assets by the time they retire. To say someone is a "millionaire" does not tell us much about them.  I am certainly not bothered by people who made their money in the private sector prior to going to Congress. We need people in Congress who understand how wealth is created  and people who have been successful.  People like Bob Corker made their wealth in the private sector. On the other hand, when one has been in public office most of their adult  life, entered politics as average income and become filthy rich while in office, I wonder how they got so wealthy. 

Of the ten wealthiest members of Congress, seven are Democrats. There seems to be a  perception that Republican politicians are more wealthy than Democrat politicians. That is not so. To view data on the wealth of all members of Congress, to see  who is contributing to who, and more, go to

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