Thursday, January 30, 2014

Latinos for Tennessee Welcome Back Legislators

with Ron Ramsey
On January 21st, Latinos for Tennessee hosted a wonderful dinner event to welcome back Tennessee's state
legislators to the 2014 legislative session.  Over fifty legislators from across the state were present as our special guests, and both Governor Bill Haslam and U.S. Senator Lamar Alexander were present for the event as well.  Lt. Gov. Ron Ramsey and Speaker Beth Harwell were presented with awards to recognize their outstanding efforts as elected officials to protect and promote Faith, Family, Freedom and Fiscal 
with Bill Haslam
Responsibility.  Former U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales delivered a timely keynote address that challenged attendees to carefully consider the issues at hand as they ponder the direction in which to carry this great nation, both as legislators and as voters. 

Guests also heard moving personal stories shared by Chairman of the Board Tommy Vallejos and Treasurer Diana Cuellar that inspired hope and patriotism as they spoke of the enormous pride they feel at being Americans of Latino heritage.  It was a wonderful evening of celebration of American values and the principles that are so dear to the hearts of Latino families.
On the heels of such a motivating and powerful event, Latinos for Tennessee could not be more hopeful and optimistic about the prospect of educating and empowering the Latino community in Tennessee.  With the help of our committed supporters, we are eager to fulfill our goal of promoting Faith, Family, Freedom, and Fiscal Responsibility among the Latino community in our great state

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