Monday, January 27, 2014

Man Faces Federal Charges For Foreclosure Fraud. Don't be scammed. Let me help you.

Politics and blogging is my hobby and what I do because I care about about my country and my community. It doesn't pay the bills; it cost me. What I do for a living is work for a HUD-approved, non-profit housing counseling agency as a housing counselor helping people avoid foreclosure and save their home.  I deal with a lot of people in crisis. Many people I can help. There are a variety of options for avoiding foreclosure.

People facing a possible foreclosure should not try to navigate the crisis alone.  Thee are some options people don't even know about and some solutions are more complex than they first appear.
If in default on your mortgage, seek help. Also, start early.  If you wait until you have a foreclosure sale date, it may be too late to help you. Don't be too prideful to seek help.

Please, please do not pay anyone to help you avoid foreclosure. You see these advertisement for help avoiding foreclosure everywhere: on the back of buses, on cable TV, and print media.  Once you become late on your mortgage you will start getting enticements in the mail and by phone to engage the services of people who tell you they can save your home. Many of these are lawyers.  Tennessee is a "non-judicial" foreclosure state, meaning it does not require judicial action to foreclosure.  There is almost nothing an attorney can do for you.  The attorneys are seeking bankruptcy clients.

Other solicitation are from real estate agents seeking to do a preforeclosure are short sale. Sometimes that is an option but should not be your first option. Most of the solicitation are out and out scams.

One of the saddest thing I see is people who could have saved their home if they had not given money that could have went toward saving their home to a scam artist. Not only did they lose money but they also lost precious time thinking someone was doing something for them, when they were not.

If you are facing foreclosure or falling behind on your mortgage, call me for a phone consultation. I am good at what I do and I have helped hundreds of people save their home. There is no charge for my services.  If after talking to you, I think I can possibly help you, I will schedule you an appointment. My work phone number is 615-850-3453. One of the most generous and helpful programs is ending soon, so don't delay.

Below is story of how a local scam artist scammed people out of million of dollars.  It looks like he is being brought to justice. I hope they throw the book at him and he spends a long time in jail. | Nashville News, Weather
News Channel 5, by Jennifer Kraus, Consumer Investigator
NASHVILLE, Tenn. -- A former Wilson County man who told struggling homeowners he would help save their homes from foreclosure now faces federal fraud charges.
This comes nearly five years after NewsChannel 5 Investigates first exposed Charles Jones and his company during the height of the foreclosure crisis.(link)

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1 comment:

  1. Do you happen to have any updated information regarding this guy who scammed people?
