Thursday, January 30, 2014

Today! Jan. 30th 1PM, Rally to Protest President Obama's Policies during his Visit to Nashville

Today! Please join the Nashville Tea Party and many other groups this Thursday, January 30th at 1:00PM on the public sidewalk in front of Donelson Fellowship Church:
We will assemble on the public sidewalk in front of the Donelson Fellowship Church across from McGavock High School. The address of the Church is: 3210 McGavock Pike, Nashville, TN 37214. Map Link:

The protest will start at 1:00PM, of course if you would like to come earlier, that's fine too. The Nashville PD requests that we park on Knobdale Rd which is on the side of the church. Please be careful not to block any driveways and please note McGavock Pike will be busy with school traffic and guests arriving for the speech. The temp is forecast to be 40 degrees so bundle up.

Please be respectful of those who must use the sidewalk. And PLEASE take care with signs. The more signs the better but please no profanity or tasteless images. Let's get our message across with class and a clear message focusing on the State of the Union Speech topics, Repeal Obamacare, run away spending and debt, Unconstitutional actions and abuse of power by the President, IRS and NSA abuse of power, thanks.

Two Rivers Parkway may be closed. If so, the best way to get to our McGavock Pike location will be starting from the Opryland Hotel area or from Donelson Pike.
See you there!!
Google Street View showing the sidewalk in front of the Church

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