Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Republican Jim Tracy Raises over $1 Million in 2013 to Unseat Embattled Incumbent DesJarlais

Murfreesboro, TN- The Jim Tracy for Congress campaign announced raising more than $150,000 in the 4th fundraising quarter, raising over $1 million in one year. With the primary election a little over 6 months away, Tracy’s war chest shows growing support across the 4th Congressional District.
“The 4th quarter fundraising numbers clearly show Jim Tracy’s momentum in the 4th District,” said Tracy for Congress Finance Chairman Shane Reeves. “The Tracy for Congress Campaign is focused on the issues and the people of the 4th District. This is reflected in the large number of individual donors and the amount of support we have received.”
Tracy ended the quarter and the year with more than $840,000 cash on hand.
“My wife Trena and I could not be more appreciative of the amount of encouragement we are receiving,” said Tracy. “As I travel throughout the 4th District I have more and more people asking how they can help. I am excited about the opportunity to represent them in Washington.”
To learn more about Jim Tracy visit www.tracyfortn.com.

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