Monday, January 13, 2014

Steve Gawrys Launches Campaign For General Assembly

Press Release from Steve Gawrys campaign, Jan. 13, 2014, BRENTWOOD, TN - After months of urging by conservative grassroots, local entrepreneur Steve Gawrys (Ga-riss) announced his candidacy today for the Republican primary in State House District 61.

 “It’s no time for politics as usual,” Steve observed. “We need leaders who will stand firm on principle and bring common sense back into elected office. And that is what I will do.”

Steve has witnessed firsthand the results of decisions made in the General Assembly on families and small businesses across Tennessee. As a job creator and man of integrity among his fellow business leaders, Steve decided he could no longer sit on the sidelines.

Residing in Brentwood along with his wife Kim and their four children, Steve invests his time in the youth of Williamson County by coaching little league and by teaching Sunday School at their church. Raising his family with strong Christian values is Steve's most important focus in life.

After being recruited to play baseball in college, Steve graduated with a degree in marketing and earned an MBA from Christian Brothers University in Memphis. Following his education, Steve and his wife returned to her hometown of Brentwood where they have lived happily for over 20 years. He is an accomplished athlete and still regularly competes in both triathlons and marathons.

Steve owns multiple businesses in District 61 and employs hundreds of people. As a result, Steve has become concerned over the drastic growth of big government in recent years and how it will affect his children. Keeping the American dream secure for future generations is Steve’s motivation to run, but actually jumping into the race was due to the persuasion of the local grassroots.

With a proven track record of success in business and at home, Steve brings experience and a fresh perspective to District 61. His unparalleled work ethic and competitive spirit will allow him to fight hard to represent the interests of all of the families in his district. Steve Gawrys’ integrity, passion, and strong moral convictions will benefit Tennessee while serving in the General Assembly.

District 61 includes Brentwood, and parts of Cool Springs, Franklin, and unincorporated Williamson County.

(Note:  House District 61 is now represented by Rep. Charles Michael Sargent who serves as Chair of the House Finance, Ways and Means Committee.)

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1 comment:

  1. We members of TAFA, Nashville based Tennesseans Against forced Annexation, want to thank Steve Gawrys for playing a key roll in assisting us and others in passing historic legislation in the state of Tennessee to end forced annexation of our land and our homes. His involvement brought a great deal of much needed attention to this abusive issue that has plagued our communities for decades. Thank you Steve for your support and assistance. It could never have happened without you.
