Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Tell your legislators you don't support restricting retail food stores selling wine.

Dear Red White and Food Members,

Red White and Food believes that Tennesseans should be able to buy wine where they regularly shop for groceries.

Please contact your legislators today to let them know that you do not want so-called "big-box" stores, such as Walmart, Target and Costco, taken out of the proposed bill.

Red White and Food

My comment: I would hate to see no bill permitting wine in groceries pass because we hold out to have the so-called "big-box" stores included, however protectionism is wrong and there is no reason Walmart should not also be permitted to sell wine. The big-box stores have some of the best deals on wine, in states where it is permitted. A lot of people do their grocery shopping at Walmart. Stores like Walmart, Target, and Costco should not be excluded. In my view, any store that can sell beer should be permitted to sell wine. Rod

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