Tuesday, January 07, 2014

The Nashville Scene explores, Will Register Retire or ask the Board to Extend his Contract. After Register what?

This is a fair and balanced exploration of the issues facing Director of Schools Jessie Register and the MNPS Board and the future of Metro Schools and ask who will succeed Register as director.

As Jesse Register's reign winds down, the political maneuvers to determine Metro schools' next chief are just beginning
Who Will Rule? by Andrea Zelinski, The Nashville Scene -
He stood stiff at the podium, face to face with at least 200 people staring at him moments after the mayor called stories of his school district's financial struggles a series of myths.

Nervously, they waited, expecting him to respond to yet another public jab over education reform. Maybe they'd witness fireworks. Or at least a flare.

But Jesse Register dodged. He actively avoided a tempting chance to engage the standing-room-only crowd — including the city's top business leaders, money men, charter school operators, teaching program executives, politicians, philanthropists and advocates — about the one thing that gets their blood boiling: the ongoing war over public education.

It's a fight Nashville schools are not winning. While the district has made promising gains in improving students' year-to-year performance, more than half the children are still scoring below grade level in most subjects. (link)

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