Tuesday, January 07, 2014

The Regulation of Outdoor Music Events to be Discussed

Metro Councilmembers Bo Mitchell, Burkley Allen and Sandra Moore will be meeting with Metro Government representatives from the Codes, Public Works, Police, and Planning Departments, along with neighborhood advocates, to discuss proposed legislation pertaining to small outdoor music events in certain commercial districts near residential properties.  The meeting has been scheduled as follows: 
Date: Thursday, January 9, 2014 
Time: 10:00 a.m. 
Place: Codes Administration Conference Room Metro Office Building, Third Floor 800 Second Avenue South 

For further information, please contact Councilmember Burkley Allen, telephone 383-6604.

I hope some musicians and music promoters have a seat at the table and have some input on this. This is music city and we should encourage  live music and should not put obstacles in the way. We should welcome music in the parks, and street musicians and front porch guitar pulls. We should not make it so bureaucratic and difficult to perform that musicians won't pursue outdoor music events.

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