Thursday, January 30, 2014

Wine in Grocery Stores passes the Senate

After seven years of trying it looks like we are going to be able to buy wine in grocery stores. The State Senate today voted 23-8 to approve the bill.  It will allow wine in many convenience stores and in big-box stores and it will allow liquor stores to sell ice, beer, and some other items. The bill however bans Sunday sale of wine and will not take effect until 2016.  Small convenience stores of less than 1200 square foot will not be permitted to sell wine.  The bill must still pass the House and then must go to conference committee to work out the dependencies between the two versions of the bill.

Below is how our Senators voted: Republicans in red; Democrats in blue. 

Voted "yes":

  • Lt. Gov. Ron Ramsey, R.
  • Sen. Mae Beavers, R.
  • Sen. Janice Bowling, R.
  • Sen. Stacey Campfield, R
  • Sen. Rusty Crowe, R.
  • Sen. Steven Dickerson, R
  • Sen. Mark Green, R.
  • Sen. Dolores Gresham, R
  • Sen. Ferrell Haile, R
  • Sen. Douglas Henry, D.
  • Sen. Jack Johnson, R
  • Sen. Brian Kelsey, R
  • Sen. Bill Ketron (Senate bill sponsor), R.
  • Sen. Becky Duncan Massey, R
  • Sen. Randy McNally, R
  • Sen. Frank S. Nicely, R
  • Sen. Mark Norris, R
  • Sen. Doug Overbey, R
  • Sen. John Stevens, R
  • Sen. Jim Summerville, R
  • Sen. Reginald Tate, D
  • Sen. Jim Tracy, R
  • Sen. Bo Watson, D

  • Voted "no":

  • Sen. Mike Bell, R
  • Sen. Charlotte Burks, R.
  • Sen. Lowe Finney, D
  • Sen. Todd Gardenhire, R.
  • Sen. Thelma Harper, D
  • Sen. Joey Hensley, R
  • Sen. Steve Southerland, R
  • Sen. Ken Yager, R

  • Passed :Sen. Jim Kyle, D
    Not Present: Sen. Ophelia Ford, D.

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    1 comment:

    1. Could we say that the beer and buttermilk industry fought this all the way?
