Thursday, February 20, 2014

Adam Dread to run on the Republican ballot for May 2014 local judicial primary

Adam Dread Press Release, Nashville, TN - As a candidate for General Sessions Judge Division IX, it has always been my belief that judicial races should be non-partisan, as you are running to be an “impartial” judge.  I have always supported the person that I thought would serve Nashville best without regard to party affiliation.  General Sessions Judge races have been traditionally determined on the Democratic ballot and I chose that path.
Within a day of the filing deadline, we learned that one member of the Davidson County Democratic County Executive Committee was questioning my credentials and leading the challenge to remove me from the ballot.  If successful, they could have my name removed from the ballot after the filing deadline on February 20th. This would take away the right of Nashvillians to vote for a candidate who appointed a Treasurer on August 14, 2013 and qualified for the upcoming May local election on January 7, 2014.
It is not in our best interest to spend our time and resources on what should not be an issue in a judicial race. Further, this could also end up in litigation and we don’t want to divert any of our attention from being a candidate for General Sessions Judge Division IX.
After discussion with my advisors and close supporters, we have decided to avoid this distraction, stay focused, and run for the same seat but on the Republican ticket. I am honored that my core team is remaining on board. This transition will give the opportunity for all Nashvillians, Republican and Democrat, to vote for whomever they choose in the August General election for  General Sessions Judge Division IX. As always, we would greatly appreciate your support and your vote.

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