Tuesday, February 04, 2014

Budget and Finance Committee meeting of Feb 3. Should we borrow money to buy laptops? How many early voting sites?


 Bo Mitchell's bill, RESOLUTION NO. RS2014-948 appropriating $13.1 million from the Undesignated Fund Balance of the Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools General Purpose Fund to the Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools General Purpose Fund Operational Account for the purpose of funding the purchase laptop computers, teacher technology training and a universal screener assessment for the implementation of Common Core testing, and an incentive program for teacher retirement is deferred "by rule." The sponsor was not present and did not communicate with the Chair as to what he wanted to happen to the bill.

RESOLUTION NO. RS2014-963 which authorizes the issuance of $21 million in general obligation bonds for the purchase of heavy equipment for various departments and $6 million for laptop computers to implement common core testing .  Rich Reibling, Director of Finance explains the financing mechanism but I am still not persuaded this is a wise move. To learn more see the video see time stamp .27- 16:24 . Charlie Tygerd ask some good questions but he ends up voting for it and the bill passes committee unanimously. I am disappointed.

Charlie Tygerd's memorializing resolution asking the Nashville delegation to the State legislature to authorize a dedicated source of funding for mass transit in Nashville is deferred one meeting to track with bills on First reading that address the same topic. Good move.
A late, as yet unnumbered, resolution  asking the Election Commission to provide five additional early voting sites for the May primary passes. The Election Commission has been planning only one site for early voting. For the discussion see time stamp 36:48-48:22

For more info and links to the agenda and analysis, follow this link.

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