Tuesday, February 04, 2014

David Keene, former NRA Chair & ACU founder says Lamar has never wavered in upholding fundamental conservative beliefs

From David Keene:

February 4, 2014
Dear Rod,
As the former Chairman of the American Conservative Union and the past President of the National Rifle Association I have had the great fortune to work with leaders across our nation committed to defending our conservative values.
Each year it seems like everyone in Washington creates a scorecard picking a few votes to illustrate and judge the records of our elected officials. If I were making a scorecard for Lamar Alexander, I would start with his 'A' rating from the NRA, his 100 percent rating with National Right to Life, and his 100 percent rating with the United States Chamber of Commerce.
Review his record here - you'll see that Lamar has never wavered in upholding the fundamental conservative belief that a limited government closest to the people is the most effective form of government.
Many so-called conservatives come to Washington D.C. and forget that. They start to think that decisions are best made from the seat where they are sitting. Lamar's time as Governor gives him a conservative and results-oriented perspective most lack in Washington. He applies his conservative principles to not just make a speech - but to actually get a result. This is what makes him one of the most effective legislators in the U.S. Senate.
I hope you'll take a minute to read more about his record here and decide for yourself the real scorecard for Lamar Alexander.

David Keene
American Conservative Union, Founder &  Former Chairman
National Rifle Association, Chairman Emeritus

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1 comment:

  1. Let's start with the ratings done by the American Conservative Union itself in order to see what a whitewash Keene's letter is. Despite Keene's personal rating of 100, Alexander is not listed by the ACU in its rating system based on various votes during a legislative session as a "Defender of Liberty", ACU's term for those who scored 100 or greater. He is not even counted as a "Senate Conservative" since he didn't vote 80% or more as a conservative. Sen. Alexander, counted by his buddy Keene as a "100" instead came in with a 68% conservative voting record for 2012 and 77.6% overall. Is his opposition a dismal lot? Sure. But Mr. Keene, let's not dress up as a real conservative someone with a moderate record at best.
