Monday, February 03, 2014

Gov. Haslam's State of the State Address. Free Tuition for any graduating Senior

NASHVILLE, TENN. — Republican Gov. Bill Haslam has vowed to make education a priority in Tennessee and he backed that up with a pledge Monday to allow any graduating high school senior to attend a two-year higher learning institution for free. (link)

He lays out details of his $32.6 billion proposal budget and lays out his top legislative priorities for the year.  He proposes to  add $47 million into the state’s Basic Education Program formula funding.

Excerpts from the speech:
Working with the General Assembly, we have kept taxes low. We have the lowest debt in the country. We’ve done that while at the same time nearly doubling the state’s savings account.
Since we took office, we are one of only six states in the country that has consistently increased state spending on K-12 education as a percentage of our total budget. Since 2011, we’ve had the fourth largest increase in education spending compared to the rest of the country. 
Tennessee is ranked the third best managed state in the nation.

We’re the first state in the nation to make support services available to 100 percent of our former foster youth as they transition to adulthood.

We lead the Southeast in manufacturing.
To read the full text of the Governor's address, follow this link.
To view the video, follow this link

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