Tuesday, February 25, 2014

How conservative are they? The Club for Growth scorecard.

The Club for Growth was founded in 1999.  It is a  501(c)4 organization  focused on cutting taxes, repealing the estate tax, limited government, a Balanced Budget Amendment, entitlement reform, free trade, tort reform, school choice, and deregulation. It endorses and raises money for fiscally conservative candidates. Since 2005, the Club for Growth has produced an annual congressional scorecard. Below is how the Club for Growth rated the Tennessee Congressional delegation:
                                                                 Rank  score  lifetime score

 TN 2 R Duncan, John 17 94% 85%
 TN 4 R DesJarlais, Scott 43 85% 79%
 TN 7 R Blackburn, Marsha 84 77% 91%
 TN 3 R Fleischmann, Charles 98 74% 79%
 TN 6 R Black, Diane 103 73% 77%
 TN 8 R Fincher, Stephen 120 70% 76%
 TN 1 R Roe, David 131 68% 77%
 TN 5 D Cooper, Jim 241 24% 26%
 TN 9 D Cohen, Steve 281 16% 7%
 TN R Corker, Bob  26 75% 81%
 TN R Alexander, Lamar 36 67% 68%

To view the complete scorecard and see the votes considered in developing the scorecard, follow this link.

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