Monday, February 24, 2014

How Conservative are they? The most recent Heritage Action Scorecard report.

The Heritage Action Scorecard measures votes, co-sponsorships, and other legislative activity to show how conservative Members of Congress are.  Below are the latest scores for the Tennessee delegation. To see other scores and to see the key votes that went in to determining scores, follow this link

TN 2   Rep. John Duncan Jr. R 88%
TN 4 Rep. Scott DesJarlais R 79%
TN 7 Rep. Marsha Blackburn R 78%
TN 3 Rep. Chuck Fleischmann R 78%
TN 6 Rep. Diane Black R 72%
TN 1 Rep. Phil Roe R 66%
TN 8 Rep. Stephen Fincher R 65%
Sen. Lamar Alexander R 46%
Sen. Bob Corker R 44%
TN 5 Rep. Jim Cooper D 36%
TN 9 Rep. Steve Cohen D 17%

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  1. More stats on both of our senators:

    Alexander (TN) - 08/07/14 - 57% (Average) - 46% (Heritage) - 67% (CFG) - 68% (ACU) - 45% (FreedomWorks)
    Corker (TN) - - 67% (Average) - 44% (Heritage) - 75% (CFG) - 92% (ACU) - 55% (FreedomWorks)

    Beat Lamar!


  2. lamar and bob = bottom of the pack - except for two pinkos

  3. This is a more accurate rating, based upon the Constitution:
