Friday, February 14, 2014

Lamar Alexander continues to push to deregulate higher education

Colleges and Universities are more and more coming under the control of Washington. Along with accepting students with federal aid grants and loans comes a massive load of regulations that keeps growing. Not all of the push for regulations and control is coming from liberals.  “The conservative senators, from my party, they’re sometimes the worst,” Senator Lamar Alexander said recently, describing how he has to remind his colleagues that they are “the party of federalism, the 10th amendment” when they want to impose conservative ideas on how colleges should be run across the country.

Lamar Alexander is pushing to deregulate colleges and universities from massive regulatory and reporting requirements. The following article explains:

A New Deregulatory Push

Inside Higher Ed, February 13, 2014, by Michael Stratford, WASHINGTON -- The last time the Higher Education Act came up for a vote in Congress in 2008, Senator Lamar Alexander trotted out a five-foot stack of cartons onto the Senate floor to show the enormity of existing regulations governing higher education.

Now that lawmakers are once again contemplating how to rewrite that massive piece of legislation -- which authorizes, among other things, the $150 billion-a-year federal student aid program -- Alexander is returning to his props. (Read more)

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