Saturday, February 08, 2014

Nashville Tea Party meets Feb. 18. Joe Carr to speak.

From Nashville Tea Party:
The Next Meeting of the Nashville Tea Party will be at the Millennium Maxwell House Hotel
in their Conference Center. Tuesday, Feb 18 at 7PM,  2025 Rosa L Parks Blvd, Nashville, TN. US Senate Candidate Joe Carr, who is challenging Lamar Alexander will speak. We will have Federal and State Legislative updates. Updates from other groups such as "2 Million Bikers to DC" and "Overpasses for America" and MUCH MORE. Please Join us!" (link to Meetup page)

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1 comment:

  1. Is Joe Carr serious in his efforts to unseat Lamar Alexander ? Did he not turn down a chance to speak in Union City, Tn.; because he would only get five minutes to present his reasons for running against Alexander ? Regardless of how much time you get; you should show up and have the same time as the rest of the candidates. If he feels that he is so special; then we might want to consider an arrogance factor.
