Tuesday, February 11, 2014

SEIU Local 205 endorses Mary Mancini

SEIU Local 205 today announced their endorsement of Mary Mancini in the Democratic primary for the District 21 State Senate seat. That seat is currently held by the retiring Senator Douglas Henry. Mary Mancini and Jeff Yarbro are seeking the Democratic nomination. No Republican has, as of yet, declared but one is expected to do so soon.

SEIU Local 205 is the largest public sector union in Nashville, representing their members in Metro Government, Metro Schools, Nashville Electric Service, and Metro Development and Housing Agency and some employees in private sector companies in Davidson County, mostly working in health care. 

While both Jeff Yarbro and Mary Mancini are very liberal, Mancini comes across as more leftist than Yarbro. Most observers think Jeff Yarbro has the best chance of winning the seat. 

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