Friday, February 28, 2014

State Rep. Mike Turner retiring! Open seat presents opportunity for Republicans.

House Democratic Caucus Chairman Mike Turner who has served 14 years in the House announced today he won't seek re-election this year. This creates an opportunity for a Republican to capture another seat. It is much easier to take an open seat than topple an incumbent. President Barack Obama won the district with 66 percent of the vote in 2012 and Turner won reelection unopposed in the General Elections. In 2014 without Obama on the ticket and more interest in Republican races than Democrat races, Republicans may have a shot at winning this seat. The district covers the areas of Old Hickory, Madison, east Nashville, downtown Nashville and Germantown. To view the district map, follow this link and click "map."

According to the Nashville Scene, at least five Democrats have expressed interest in running for the seat. They are Zak Kelley, Wade Munday, Freddie O'Connell, Anthony Davis, and Kenny Byrd. For more on who these people are follow this link.

Turner has said he is  considering a run for mayor in 2015.

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