Monday, February 24, 2014

TNGOP Announces New Engagement Director, Regional Political Directors for 2014

Statewide Staff Represents the Earliest Field Operations in TNGOP History, Unprecedented Commitment to Engaging Minority Voters

 NASHVILLE, Tenn.—Following the 2012 election, the Republican National Committee conducted a top-to-bottom review of the Party’s infrastructure and political activities across the nation. It quickly became apparent too little was done in terms of outreach to communities beyond the traditional GOP base. 

With more Republicans running for office in 2014 than ever before, Tennessee Republican Party Chairman Chris Devaney today officially unveiled the TNGOP’s statewide Engagement Director, as well as the new team of Regional Political Directors responsible for organizing and implementing the 2014 Republican victory plan.

Victor Evans, a former teacher and Rhodes College graduate with a Masters from Christian Brothers University in Memphis, joins the TNGOP as its Engagement Director. His responsibilities include enlisting support from the African-American, Latino, and other minority communities across Tennessee. Evans will also direct the TNGOP’s Global Engagement Team, which has already been actively working in Nashville to grow minority support.

Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus applauded the move and stated, "Victor Evans brings valuable skills and experiences to the Republican Party. He will play a critical role in strengthening our ties to all Tennessee voters.  His hire will ensure our positive vision for the country and our message of 'opportunity for all' reaches across the state." 

Devaney remarked,  “Victor understands we have a lot of ground to make up in communities across Tennessee—and he’s helping to lead the effort. We will compete for every voter across the Volunteer State. Whether it is educational opportunities for all students or fighting for adults who need a job now, we’re the Party of opportunity. Victor will be instrumental in communicating that message for all in 2014.”

Evans, who is fluent in Spanish, has already been working on behalf of the TNGOP for several months now. “The response has been overwhelmingly positive,” he said. “Whether it is in Frasier in Shelby County or East Nashville in Davidson, people are feeling empowered by the Republican Party’s message. This isn’t a one-time proposition. This is about laying the groundwork for years to come.”

In addition to Evans, the TNGOP has brought aboard an experienced and talented team to carry the Party’s message throughout the state.

Kim Perry, an experienced political operative based in Memphis, will engage voters in Shelby County. Jordan Maynor, a political operative with expertise in sales and business-to-business service, will focus on Davidson County and other targeted areas of Middle Tennessee. A former TNGOP intern, Thomas Stephenson, returns to the Tennessee Republican Party to engage the Party’s rural and suburban targets. And Zack Huff, a former campaign field staffer for U.S. Representative Diane Black, will manage the Party’s victory efforts in East Tennessee.

This is a strong team we have put together for our field operations across Tennessee,” commented Devaney. “They represent the earliest statewide field staff we have ever put in place and they’ve already played instrumental roles in candidate recruitment, county party training, and data-building. The bottom line is we’re pressing the advantage over our counterparts to ensure that Republicans are elected at the local level and that we keep the Governor’s seat, U.S. Senate seat, and Legislature in Republican control this November.”

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