Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Big news from Florida. Republican takes Democrat Senate Seat.

From National Republican Senatorial Committee:

Big news from Florida tonight. A Republican won a special election that all the experts predicted would go for the Democrats. The reason? Just like Senate Democrats Mark Pryor, Mary Landrieau, and Mark Udall – this Democrat candidate embraced Obamacare. Tonight, she delivered her concession speech.

In the words of political analyst Chuck Todd, “Most of the Senate battles are in a lot LESS friendly places for Dems than #FL13.”
This is a good sign. We may actually take the Senate! It is time for Republicans to open their wallet and win the Senate. Here is a link to make a contribution to the National Republican Senatorial Committee.

More on the Florida win from Politico:

The Florida special election Tuesday was supposed to be an ideal chance for Democrats to show that 2014 isn’t a lost year. Instead, they were dealt another body blow, further weakening their prospects for this year’s midterms.

 Democrats couldn’t have asked for a more golden opportunity. They had the right candidate matchup: Alex Sink, a respected former statewide official who nearly won the governorship in 2010, up against a former lobbyist, Republican David Jolly. They had the right district: A swing region of Florida that appeared poised to elect a Democrat after more than four decades of GOP representation. And they certainly had the money: In a year of staggering GOP spending, Sink far outraised her opponent and got nearly $4 million in help from outside Democratic groups. (Read more)

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1 comment:

  1. Rod, I would offer another alternative to the NRSC. For folks who are looking to elect a conservative rather than simply a Republican I trust the Senate Conservatives Fund to more wisely spend my money. I hope readers here will check them out as well as their endorsed candidates. They got behind Marco Rubio early against Charlie Crist in Florida for the Republican nomination and Rubio won. I quit giving to the Republican Party in 2010.
