Friday, March 21, 2014

Family Research Council endorses State Sen Jim Tracy for Congress

WASHINGTON, D.C. - FRC Action PAC, the political action committee connected with Family Research Council Action (FRC Action), has endorsed State Sen. Jim Tracy for Congress in the fourth district of Tennessee.

Of the endorsement FRC Action PAC President Connie Mackey said:

These are challenging times. Our economy has been decimated. The culture has been challenged beyond all reasonable limits. The strong, conservative men and women elected in 2010 and 2012 need reinforcements.

State Sen. Jim Tracy's consistent record while in the Tennessee State Senate on the issues of the family is to be commended. The votes he has cast on the life issue reflect his concern for mother and child and his support for marriage as between one man and one woman is strongly supported by the majority of Americans.

We are confident that he will be a strong advocate for limited government, for individual liberties and for family values.

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