Monday, March 03, 2014

Grover Norquist of Americans for Tax Reform and Tim Phillips of Americans for Prosperity are guest speakers at 1st Tuesday

From 1st Tuesday: 
1ST TUESDAY members and friends..
We have today's bad news...... and ................ Tuesday's GOOD NEWS !!
Bad news... weather Sunday and Monday are cold, wet and dangerous - stay home.
GOOD NEWS... Tuesday will be sunny and 40+ degrees by our 1ST TUESDAY lunch !! 
On March 4th, we feature a HUGE LINE UP of special guests here from Washington DC... and the people making TN tax history  !!!!!!!   You are going to want to join us for.....
Tim Phillips --  President of Americans for Prosperity -- and his $200,000,000 political budget for 2014 are already making a difference in several of this year's hottest US Senate races. And you are going to want to hear what AFP has in mind for the rest of 2014 ...........
and in 2015 for Nashville !!
Grover Norquist -- Ultra-powerful Washington DC tax fighter and Founder of Americans for Tax Reform... Asked by President Reagan to launch ATR,  Mr. Norquist will be in Nashville Tuesday for the Press Conference announcing the end of Tennessee's HALL TAX.  He is then slated to join us for lunch !!!
St. Sen Mark Green and St. House Budget Committee Chairman Charles Sargent... Sponsors of the legislation the will end the HALL TAX are slated to join us after the Press Conference.
IN SHORT... the men making the news and changing the future of our state and our country are coming to lunch at 1ST TUESDAY ... on Tuesday, March 4th !!
Are you coming  ??? IF SO.... who are you bringing someone you know ? 
More details follow in the trailing email... or you can visit our 1ST TUESDAY website at to secure your seat by clicking onto the Shopping Cart.
Doors open at 11AM.... and the joint will be jumping  !!!!!
Hope to see you Tuesday !
Tim Skow

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