Thursday, March 27, 2014

Muslims unwelcome, Dead or Alive. The effort to stop the Murfreesboro Mosque cemetary.

In case you missed it, the war against freedom of religion led my Lou Ann Zelenik in Murfreesboro continues.  Opponents of the Murfreesboro super Mosque don't want Murfressboro to be home to Muslims, dead or alive. This is an interesting report revealing the tensions in the hallway where there was a hearing where Mosque opponents were seeking an injunction to stop the cemetery at the Islamic Center of Murfreesboro from moving forward. In January the Board of Zoning appeal had been approved the cemetery. Unfortunately, you must watch a few seconds of commercial before the news story, but this is interesting.WSMV Channel 4
For more post on the topic of the Murfressboro Mosque follow this link

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