Thursday, March 20, 2014


Gov. Chris Christie
NASHVILLE, Tenn. TNGOP press release —The national spotlight will focus on Nashville once more at the end of May as a major Republican official makes a public visit to the South.

Tennessee Republican Party Chairman Chris Devaney today formally announced New Jersey Governor Chris Christie will be the keynote speaker for the 2014 Statesmen’s Dinner. Christie also leads the Republican Governor’s Association - the most innovative and disciplined political committee in the nation tasked with electing Republicans to governorships across the country.

The Statesmen’s Dinner is an annual event that is the largest gathering of Republicans in Tennessee and is the major public fundraising event for the Tennessee GOP. Additionally, each year the Party selects a high-profile Tennessean to chair the festivities. The 2014 Statesmen's Dinner Chairman is U.S. Congressman Marsha Blackburn

“This year Tennessee will prove, once more, it is a blueprint for Republican success for the rest of the nation,” stated Devaney. “We are thrilled to have Governor Christie here to highlight that message because he knows what it takes to win and lead. He’s proven the Republican Party can win in deep blue areas when we articulate thoughtful, conservative solutions to the problems voters are facing. In Tennessee, we’re in the midst of a Republican revolution at the county and judicial level and we look forward to hearing what lessons we can take from Governor Christie’s track record of success.

"To help us welcome Governor Christie and serve as our Statesmen's Dinner Chair is Congressman Marsha Blackburn. Her well-deserved reputation as a conservative problem solver and grassroots powerhouse make her a perfect match for this year's event."
Congressman Blackburn added, "I welcome any opportunity to showcase the success of our state and the innovative solutions our Party offers. Governor Christie is a reformer-in-chief who understands that we must win at the ballot box first so we can put our principles to work for the people. Outside of Election Day, this Statesmen's Dinner is going to be the premier Republican event in 2014."

The 2014 Statesmen’s Dinner will take place Friday, May 30, 2014. For advance tickets, go to now or contact TNGOP Finance Director Anna McDonald at 615-269-4260.

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