Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Obama budget calls for $27 million for AMP, a $60 billion boost in spending, new taxes, deficit of $27.5 trillion by 2024.

Obama budget raises spending, taxes

Washington Times, March 4, 2014- Saying he’s optimistic the economy and the government’s fiscal picture have finally turned the corner five years into his tenure, President Obama announced a $3.9 trillion 2015 budget Tuesday that calls for tax hikes and a $60 billion boost in spending next year.

The federal government would run a $564 billion deficit in 2015, which would be a record low for Mr. Obama’s tenure. But the deficit would remain at about half a trillion dollars a year for the next 10 years, meaning debt would continue to pile up. By 2024, Mr. Obama projects gross debt would be $27.5 trillion. (link)

Amp funding: Obama's budget recommends $27M

Nashville Business Journal, March 4 2014- President Barack Obama's budget includes $27 million in funding for the project in fiscal year 2015, the U.S. Department of Transportation announced Tuesday.
Nashville Metro applied for $75 million in funding through the Federal Transit Administration's Small Starts grant program last September. As the biggest piece of the $174 million project, Dean had previously called the federal funding the most critical.

Holly McCall, an MTA spokeswoman for the Amp, said in a tweet that the amount was "better than I expected," and anticipates the remaining federal request to come in the next two fiscal years. (link)

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