Thursday, March 13, 2014

Update: Parents stand up to Amy Frogge; defend Nashville Prep. School Board meeting of 3/11/2014.


Below is the Tennessean's coverage of the meeting:

Dozens of Nashville Prep parents defend charter school to school board

The Tennessean, March 12, 2014, by Joey Garrison - Nashville Prep parents showed up in full force before the Metro school board Tuesday to defend a place they say is demanding yet fair — and their choice — as they sought to quash a board member’s call for an investigation of the charter school.

“I’m here because I believe it’s imperative that the voices of the parents of scholars at Nashville Prep provide the information that tells the Nashville prep story,” said Michelle Lane, whose son attends the third-year charter.

“It’s rigorous, structured and hard, but that’s a large part of why we chose Nashville Prep.”

Earlier in the day, the district’s Alan Coverstone had already found “no actionable items” after board member Amy Frogge last month asked that MNPS explore “disturbing” complaints from two parents that centered on Nashville’s Prep’s disciplinary procedures. Their children no longer attend the school. (link)

Below is the Nashville Scene's coverage: 

Will Pinkston vs. Tennessee Charter School Center

After a contentious school board meeting Tuesday night where flyers from charter supporters attacked board members Will Pinkston and Amy Frogge (pictures of the flyers with those links), Pinkston has fired back.

In a letter to the Metro Council, the former Bredesen administration official blasted the Tennessee Charter School Center.
Honorable Metro Council Members: Regarding the below email exchange ... Consider the following facts about the Tennessee Charter School Center:

1. Despite claims to the contrary, the Tennessee Charter School Center is not interested in respectful or collaborative dialogue. Last fall, this multi-million-dollar "nonprofit" organization flew in out-of-town activists to protest at Bransford Avenue after the Nashville School Board had the temerity to raise budget concerns about the unabated growth of charter schools. In case you missed it, attached is news coverage of the Center's astro-turf protest.

2. The Tennessee Charter School Center is the leading proponent of legislation in the Tennessee General Assembly that would strip the Nashville School Board, and Davidson County taxpayers, of the ability to approve or reject charter schools. This organization is a linchpin in the legislature's broader agenda to take away local control from Davidson County's elected officials.(link)

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