Wednesday, March 05, 2014

School voucher bill advances in Tenn. House

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — A proposal to create a school voucher program in Tennessee is advancing in the House despite concerns from some lawmakers that the legislation would be detrimental to public schools.

The measure proposed by Gov. Bill Haslam passed the House Budget Subcommittee 7-6 on Wednesday.

It is slightly different than an original measure brought by the Republican governor that limited the vouchers to students from low-income families attending the bottom 5 percent of failing schools. The measure that passed would expand eligibility to the bottom 10 percent of failing schools if slots are left.(link)

My Comment: This is good news! I am writing my Senator and Representative urging them to support this bill. Follow this link to find your legislator.  Assuming you already know who your legislators are, that link will lead you to another link where you can email or call them. Please urge your Senator and House Representative to support this bill. We need greater school choice. Children should not be trapped in failing schools.

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