Sunday, March 23, 2014

Senate OKs Harwell’s charter authorizer bill, Pinkston threatens litigation

March 20, 2014, Nashville Post - On a 20-13 vote, the Senate gave its official approval of a plan allowing the state Board of Education to approve charter schools rejected by their local school boards.

The bill is part of a long-running debate about the role of charter schools largely in Nashville, an at times heated discussion driven by the local school board's repeated rejection in 2012 of a charter school favored by Mayor Karl Dean and state Education Commissioner Kevin Huffman.

"I think the fact that there is an ultimate arbitrator of that decision so we don't end up where we were last year is a good thing," Gov. Bill Haslam told reporters, ....(link)

My Comment: YES! I am pleased to see this happen. Earlier it appeared dead.

Not only did the school board lose $3.4 million when it decided to defy the state and refused to approve Great Hearts, now Will Pinkston wants to waste more money and sue the state.

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