From First Tuesday:
You likely attended the recent CPAC conference....or saw some notable clips from it.
Senator Mark Green One of our own, TN St. Senator, Dr. Mark Green, not only attended, but was 1 of the memorable speakers. Following our Q&A session, Mark will provide a 1st-hand account to those attending 1ST TUESDAY !!!What a way great way to cap a great Tuesday !!If.... you have not already secured a seat for lunch on Tuesday, please visit down for details for lunch and our pre-event._______________________________________April 1st will be at 1ST TUESDAY [ yes, it will be on the 1st Tuesday of the month... and NO.. it won't be an April's Fools joke ! ]There is SOOO much going on in Washington DC right now... AND...the TN Legislature is fast approaching the end of the 2014 Session... with the State Budget, the end of Hall Tax, the Common Core education hoopla and more still unresolved.No one in TN is talking to more people and answering more question on all these topics ... AND MORE... than our next featured speaker ...TN State Senator... [ and most expect in November will become Congressman-elect ] ....JIM TRACY
Senator Jim Tracy Given that filing deadline for office this year will also be next week... we are inviting all prospective candidates for the Legislature, Judge or Metro office and Jim to come for a meet-and-greet prior to lunch. You will have a chance to meet 1st-hand and speak with those who will be vying to represent you on the ballot in August and November !YES... our April 1ST TUESDAY event will be on the 1ST TUESDAY of April.As usual... doors at Waller Law will open at 11:00AM for Coffee and Social time. Lunch will be ready at 11:25 and our program will start at Noon. Each of our candidates in the room will get 1 minute [Tootie will have the STOP-clock !! ] ... Once they are done... we will hear from Congressman-To-Be Tracy. Our noted Q&A session will follow. You are free to ask questions that apply at the Federal or State level !! Given we are likely to have multiple members of the State House attending who can also contribute.. this out to be a remarkable Q&A sessionLunch is $20 for Members and $25 for Guests. Secure your seat(s) by visiting the 1ST TUESDAY website at ...and click on Shopping Cart. Please forward on to those you know who care about politics at any level ... for we will have something for everyone on Tuesday, April 1st !!Looking forward to seeing you on Tuesday !Tim SkowHost of 1ST TUESDAY
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