Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Snapshots from CPAC

Dr. Ben Carson

Sarah Palen gave the closing keynote address

Rod Williams (that's me) shacking hands with Allen West

I attended CPAC with my good friend Gene Wisdom.
Gene with Senator Rick Santorum

A panel discussion on, "More Guns, Less Crime. How Law Enforcement is Begging to Embrace a
Well Armed Civilian Population." Left to right: Chris Cox, Ex. Dir. National Rifle Association; Emily Miller, Senior Opinion Editor The Washington Times; David Clarke, Sheriff Milwaukee County  Wisconsin, The Honorable Sandy Adams, former U.S. Representative. Sheriff Clarke made a persuasive argument that an armed citizenry was an aid to law enforcement.

Not many state legislators were panel members. Second from the left is Senator Mark Green of Tennessee on a panel discussing "Healthcare After ObamaCare: A Practical Gide for Living When No On Has Insurance and America Runs Out of Doctors."  He did us proud. 

Judge Jeanine Pirro speaking at The National Security Action Conference
Ann Coilture seated on the right. She is sassy and funny and biting.
I like her much better in person than on TV
Rod Williams (me), a costumed Patriot, and Gene Wisdom
There is more to CPAC than the official program. This car parked right outside
the front door of the Gayload Convention Center could not be ignored. It got
a lot of attention and a mixed reaction. 
Lynda Farley of Kentucky, Liberty Van artist and owner, has put over 300,000
 miles on the Liberty Van using it to promote conservatism and smokers rights. 

The Car won Best of Show at a Houston "Art Car" show in
the "Free Speech" divison. I did not know there was such a
thing as an "art car" show. Visit the web site "The Liberty

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