Saturday, March 29, 2014

Take action for parent's right to review material used in the classroom.

From Tennessee Eagle Forum:

SB 2559 by *Bowling ,Hensley, Bell, Tate, Green, Dickerson, Burks, Crowe, Gardenhire
HB 2453 by *Matheny, Holt, Dunn, Hill M, Moody, Butt, Womick, Casada, Faison, Carr J, Matlock, Shipley, White D, Carter, Doss, Pody, Weaver, Kane, Williams R, DeBerry J, Alexander, Spivey
Education - As introduced, requires every LEA to allow parents to review all instructional materials used in the classroom of the parent's child; mandates the LEA to allow parents access to review all surveys and evaluations administered to the parent's child

NOTE: This bill came directly from complaints from parents about not having access to materials used in their child's classroom, their student not being allowed to take a textbook home, and surveys  being giving that actually violated federal law when permission was not sought prior to administering the survey.  School - minor children in the classroom by compulsion. Therefore, NOTHING should happen in the classroom that parents (or guardians) cannot have access to!! PERIOD!! The last section of the legislation (requiring review and an op-out for "surveys, analysis, or evaluations" took on increased importance and urgency as we learned about NOT WITH MY KIDS, YOU DON'T!

STATUS:  Absolutely thrilled to report that on Tuesday HB2453, as amended, was unanimously voted out of the House Education Subcommittee and will be in Full House Education Committee on Tuesday, April 1.  SB2559, as amended, was voted out of Senate Education on Wednesday, 9-0!!

ACTION:  Please contact these legislators and ask them to support this important legislation:,,

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