Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Take action to end the Hall Income Tax

From Nashville Tea Party:
Unfortunately Tennessee still has one remaining income tax. It is the Hall Income Tax on interest and dividends. We have an historic opportunity this legislative session to eliminate the Hall Tax and truly make Tennessee income Tax FREE. Please take a few seconds to click on the link below to email key Senators who will soon be voting on this issue in the Senate Finance Committee, Thank YOU!
Click HERE to Email Key Senators to ask them to eliminate the Hall Income Tax so Tennessee can truly be income tax free.
If the link above does not work in your browser
you can also call and email these key Senators
individually. When you call simply leave a message
with their staff saying “Please eliminate the Hall
Income tax.” THANK YOU!!
Senator Randy McNally
(615) 741-6806
Senator Bo Watson
(615) 741-3227
Senator Doug Overbey
(615) 741-0981
Senator Steven Dickerson
(615) 741-6679
Senator Ferrell Haile
(615) 741-1999

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