Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Tennessee Republican Assembly (TRA) 2014 Annual Conference MARCH 29, 2014

PictureTennessee Republican Assembly (TRA) 2014 Annual Conference

Assessing America's Risk of Economic Warfare and CollapseMARCH 29, 2014       10:00 AM - 2:00 PMMillennium Maxwell House, Nashville, TN

Mark your calendar and get your tickets for this year's TRA conference.  This will be a must see event as it will cover many of the threats that we as a nation face both internationally and domestically.

The Tennessee Republican Assembly (TRA) 2014 Annual Conference features three topical experts on physical and economic threats that we face as a nation.  The title of this year’s conference is “Assessing America’s Risk of Economic Warfare and Collapse.”   World leading expert on economic warfare and financial terrorism Kevin Freeman will lead us in a discussion on international threats.  Kevin is the Best Selling Author of SECRET WEAPON and most recently THE GAME PLAN and is a frequent guest on Glen Beck’s show The Blaze. 

Kevin will be signing his latest book before the event. 

Center for Security Policy founder and President, Frank Gaffney will provide us an overview of national threats.  Frank is the host of the nationally syndicated radio program “Secure Freedom Radio”  and is a weekly columnist for The Washington Times,, and Newsmax.

Michael Del Rosso will present on Grid Security and the threat from Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) attack.  Michael is a Research Fellow at the Clairmont Institute and a Senior Fellow with the Center for Security Policy.  He also is Senior Member of The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and Past Chairman IEEE-USA Critical Infrastructure Protection Committee. Michael co-authored “Shariah: The Threat to America: An Exercise in Competitive Analysis.”

The day will also include an interactive panel discussion including Tennessee Freedom Coalition founder,Andrew “Andy” Miller and extended Q&A segment.

Former WLAC radio host Steve Gill will be our Master of Ceremonies for the afternoon.
The event will include a box lunch and there will be plenty of vendors on hand to promote their organizations and services. If you are interested in becoming a vendor please let us know as space is limited.  Email us at for details.
My Comment: While attending the CPAC convention in Washington, I attended a seminar on the topic of the threat from an EMP attack. I am convinced that this is a real threat and America is very vulnerable. 

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