Friday, April 11, 2014

baeo: You Spoke and They Listened...A Victory for Tennessee's Children!

From Black Alliance for Educational Opportunity:
We know that many of you appealed to our state lawmakers over the past few weeks, urging them to put children first by passing the Tennessee Choice & Opportunity Scholarship Act.  We are happy to report that YOU spoke and THEY listened!
Yesterday the Tennessee Senate passed the Tennessee Choice & Opportunity Scholarship Act with a vote of 20-10 essentially moving us one step closer to ensuring that our students will have access to high-quality educational options. The Act would provide opportunity scholarships to eligible children trapped in failing schools to be used to attend any non-public school of their choice.
The bill must now pass the House before it becomes law. If passed, the program would award scholarships to up to 5,000 children the first year. 
BAEO believes that equal access to high-quality educational options is essential to realize our nation’s unmet promise of justice and equity. This access enables Black children, in particular, to fully participate in and benefit from economic and civic freedoms. 
BAEO supports parental choice programs that empower low-income and working class Black families to choose educational options that best fit their child. Opportunity Scholarships, or vouchers, are one, of many, options that allow parents to receive educational funds to send their children to eligible non-public schools.
Yesterday was a victorious day for our children. Please stay connected with Tennessee BAEO to learn how you can stay involved so that ALL children can have equal access and an equal chance at a high-quality education. Follow us on Twitter @TNBAEO or on Facebook.
Thank you for your continued support and keep up the fight!
Jennifer Littlejohn
Tennessee BAEO

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